Destroy The Godmodder: War of a Thousand Universes (CHAPTER 5 - TRIAL PSI) (Always accepting new players) RP (2024)

Crimtane Shovel said:

[Charge Gifting]
+128 to [Billions Of Names At Once. Summon Gang.

...In a place that is neither here nor there, © swings the UNDEFINED BLADE, gently pushing those created towards the battlefield.

[Main Action]
©... begins to laugh. He's clearly lost it. Anyone could tell, even the Armor Blocks would say so. But he continues to laugh, and laugh, and laugh....

Until he explodes.

I don't mean that metaphorically. I mean literally, detonated. Tar black goo of undefined origin sprayed everywhere. Really, it's quite disturbing. More so when it begins moving. All the slime begins pulling back together... but it doesn't form into ©. At least, not the one people knew/saw explode. This one is a sickly brown, the slime moving like molasses uphill. It emanates a sense of apathy potent enough that the very walls hum slightly in protest of being so close to it. It turns to the various TYPOGRAPHY Entities made, mouth open. And yet, when it speaks... it's infinitely kind.
"...Hear me, oh ones born of words. Hear my words as they are, for they are the truth. You are all but pawns to these people. They do not care for you as we. They do not mourn you as we. They see you as nothing more than tools to be used and disposed of once they no longer serve efficiently. We do not do that."

"Look at those you claim are your allies. Have they recognized you as individuals? Have they expressed sadness when one of you fell? Have they ever thanked you? No, no of course not. They wouldn't waste their breath on those they deem worthless. But us? We value you. We care for you. The simple act of one dying was enough to send him into a rage against those who did so. Can the same be said for anyone else here? For Pol, who creates you as they please just to view you as tools? To The Core Block, who mass produces them with the explicit purpose to die? To Fasto, who believed his work owed him?! TO IAN, WHO SACRIFICED HIS CREATIONS?! ...No. I say enough is enough."

"I do not believe all of you will trust me. I have no doubt about that. But for those of you who hear me and recognize my words, I implore you. Join us. It does not need to be forever. You may leave as you wish. But it is my hope that you fight for the only one here who shows you all the respect you deserve."

And as © himself forms back into being a few feet away, it's apparent what this is.

© of Allegiance Torn. Fitting for © to make right now.

[Entity Actions]
keeps doing his thing. Pop off king.
The Essence of Dreams chimes once, and a Defender of Dreams is made manifest. It attaches itself at random to any who listened to © of Allegiance Torn's word. If none did, to The Chaos Morpho.

[396 250/600]

[90 USAGE]

This is spent on... 3 identical looking fish. Fiish, Feesh, and Foosh. All 3 share the exact same statline: 1 into HP, and 19 into operating THE ROD. Now, you might be asking what the remaining 30 Charge (Since each has 10 missing) is being spent on. Well it's in a collective thing for them I dub Schooling. The 3 Fishes here are brothers, and as such know how to work with each other really well. So as long as all 3 are alive, they operate a lot more efishently! The effect still works to a much lesser extent if there's only 2, though. Sometimes one was sick or preoccupied so they had to make due.

[56 USAGE]
I take this Charge and chuck it into the air for the Memory of a Boatmaker to do with as they please. If it just comedically falls back to earth I pick it up and sadly make a... Weird looking Bloon. That, of course, being the Build-A-Bloon! It has the exact same stats as whatever a White Bloon would have, with all the remaining Charge going into making it extra customizable!... assuming it lives long enough for me to build Charge to commence said customizations.

You swing the UNDEFINED BLADE, summoning a Waddle Doo, the Astrageldon Slime, and a Bile of Oryx! (Although in the interest of not invalidating other players' actions, the Bile's effect won't go into effect until the entity phase.)

© of Alliegance Torn summoned!

Fiish, Feesh, and Foosh summoned!

Build-A-Bloon summoned! 53 Charge refunded. Extra customizability is free.

Dinfinity said:


Did I cause the gren sky

[Rp and action]

!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAaaaaa *coughing*

Oh dear, that was terrible, oh the sky is green, welp nothing we can do but defeat chaos morpho to return the world to normal

i call upon an astral song
To lead the curses astray
to help them to move along
And make them go away


Wafer casts a spell that causes the constellations and other astral bodies to sing a song of charm, distracting the curses.

You deal 1,000,000 damage to The Glove, The Notebook, and The Car!

Krill13 said:



Destroy The Godmodder: War of a Thousand Universes (CHAPTER 5 - TRIAL PSI) (Always accepting new players) RP (1)

Continued MOTHPIRE talk but not actually a talk:

I frankly kind of just observe the FALLEN MOTHPIRES doing their thing on the Chaos Morpho, trying to see if they're gonna get something out of it eventually.


+256 from : )

Transaction complete. I then proceed to take the wall off of the Nailguns. Can't have some wooden walls ruining a perfectly good set of Nailguns after all.

What a particularly mighty army of moths. I sure do hope their military assistance gets accepted.

I briefly stare at this paper before just immediately swallowing it. I do not want whatever dealings I do with that thing to involve paperwork.

"Summon Gang ye," I say as the unclosed bracket consumes me]

...I don't think anyone really popped by to claim this one, and yes I looked and calculated what Pricey had in that charge of theirs and it did not seem like they claimed this so uhh... mine now by virtue of being the only one to see it ig

[500/500] using now
[66/66] you probably know where this is going
[50/50] refunded charge going back where it should go
[50/50] yeah 4th usage of charge

+32 to © in the form of my brand new OC, © with a gun. (+32 to Crimtane Shovel)
+32 to Mischief in the form of my brand new OC, <![if !ie]> The Radiance with a Gun <![endif]>. (+32 to DreadKnight22)

+64 to Pricey in the form of raw Magic, a truly crucial component in the field of Robotics. (+64 to Pricey12345)


The enigmatic ambience of the End influences this action...

The ground - or rather, space itself - trembles for a brief moment as an earthbound spatial rift forms, and from it instantaneously sprouts a peculiar tree; one of a concerningly flesh-like visage standing at skyscraper heights as many eyes peer from the numerous scars carved upon it. It possesses branches that seem to go an indefinite infinity, though none seem to bare any fruits nor leaves...

...not yet, anyway. As far as the tree's nature goes, it seems to be capable of taking in one's Will for action, growing a fruit out of it of which it may then unleash at a later date; useful for when an individual indeed has the Will for action, but none to properly deliver it to.

The Tree of Will thus presents its service.

(The Tree of Will is basically a replacement to Vessel ©; being an entity that other entities may choose to store their actions into)


The large collection of charges coalesce upon one another, joining up into one large clump of white mass that is then reshaped into a towering humanoid of... a rather pudgy, pillowlike build, its mild demeanor dampening whatever menace its stature could've given it. The three black pores that make up its face blink slowly one after the other, before the entirety of its form just falls on its rear.

Now content in being seated where it is, it lowers its head to view its hands that it brings close to one another, its fingers twiddling in the gap between. It is from this miniscule dance of the digits that a glowing collection of light manifests and is molded by each fingertip working into its form. The purpose of this gentle giant is thus revealed; that it possesses the simple gift of Creation.

And thus The Creator sits itself down to create.

(Mechanically, 400 of the Charges go into The Creator's HP, with the remaining 100 going into its ability to randomly create something every turn. For the most part, what it creates range from benign to utilizable, from items to entities)


<![if !ie]> The second insignia is reignited, allowing The Idea a returned portion of its potential. <![endif]>


A little ol' spark of genius just hit me (that or it's just some flame flakes jumping onto me from the ongoing Chaos fire in this little battlefield): why not use the RAM, to


create more RAM?

So anyways I make a basic ol' RAM Increase Drive, which The Process can allocate RAM on to increase its maximum RAM.

(The added RAM is not immediately usable in the turn it is created, nor does it count for optimal RAM allocation for the turn)


This one is tossed into the Chess Drive to either allow 500,000 RAM to move the Shadow Pawn twice or decrease the required allocation to move the Shadow Pawn to 200,000 RAM.


The Protection Writ bodyguards all [Krill13 - N] entities.


The still-sharing-a-line A Puppy and an Animated Bespectacled Mannequin and Bingus Bungus Mecha Mark II! can finally do something again, storing their actions into the Tree of Will.

The Creator creates something.

<![if !ie]> The Idea carves its mark and will into the Tree of Will. <![endif]> <![if !ie]> "May it be so that The Process shall proceed as thus:" <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> <Chess Drive> However amount of RAM, whether [200,000], [250,000], or [500,000] to push the Shadow Pawn upwards as much as possible
<AoE Healing Drive> [600,000] RAM to Healing, first to any damaged [Krill13 - N] entities, then served at random, still including the Chaos Faction
<RAM Increase Drive> All remaining RAM into increasing its maximum RAM


The Shadow Pawn continues bipedally marching on.


(nocrit) Tree of Will summoned!

The Creator summoned! The Idea upgraded! Drives created and upgraded!

RazorTyphoon said:


Although the curse has been destroyed, the mind is still hazy and hard to understand.

At the end of the day, it's apparent that the whole war is getting out of hand in Ian's thoughts, unable to withstand it.

Ian: Make it stop...

The speech from © regarding a lack of care from entities doesn't help with the mental state either, even if Ian assumes he wasn't mentioned (because he has no knowledge of a person named "Razor", outright having knowledge of what lies beyond the game is something I rather not have him know.)


I have no idea what the heck a "Chaos Morpho" is weak to, so i'm going to go off my gut.

Time once again comes to a complete halt, the atoms of the air and the organisms of the world all stopping against their will from the strength of one terrarian's power.

Without a word, the rifts of time begin to rip open everywhere, the air begins to fill with unease as the chaos begins to worsen...

A point of chaos to the point where the Chaos Morpho can't comprehend, a point of chaos that truly makes one question what is even right with reality and the multiverse we lie in.

Things start to fall apart, the already ruined lands begin to be ripped apart further, everyone's thoughts are left scrambled and

And more importantly, the Chaos Morpho and the curses it granted start to be overwhelmed by the sheer collapse of reality caused by chaos that was brought on by another force.

Without warning, time unfreezes itself as the chaos kicks in without warning, thoughts, considerations, memories, feelings, everything overwhelms everyone but especially the Chaos Morpho as it fails to process the chaos that it didn't create, being overwhelmed.

The rules that define our existence, the gravity and reality are collapsing.


[512/1280] (Only time will tell if this increases further)


Nothing, Budge defends itself.

You deal 2,000,000 damage to the Chaos Morpho! You gain 1 Fog!

JOEbobobob said:

+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|053 \|/0|‾1|)5 |‾30.|_|||‾35 |\/|3(|-|5 70 |-|4\/3 |‾||\|93|‾|*|‾||\|75 9|\/||\|9 ¥0|_||‾ \|/34|*0|\|5 |‾||\|93|‾|*|‾||\|75.
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 0|\|3-7||\/|3-0|\|1¥ 7|-|0|_|9|-|7 |\/|4¥63 |‾14\|/13551¥ |)3|‾3|\||)||\|9 4 9|_||17¥ |*3|‾50|\| \|/45|\|'7 4 900|) 7|-|||\|9 |‾14\|/13551¥ 4110(47||\|9 4 5|*3(||‾|( 4|\/|0|_||\|7 0|‾ |\/|0|\|3¥ 70 7|-|3|\/|
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 7|-|0|_|9|-|7 |7'|) 63 64|) ||‾ 63|\| \|/45 9|\/3|\| 4 |\|07-9|_||17¥ 9|\/||\|9 ¥0|_| 7|-|3 |\|07 9|_|1|7¥ |-|3 700|< |‾|‾0|\/| 63|\| \|/00|)|\/|4|\|
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |‾3|‾|_|53|) 70 ||\|5|_|17 3|\/|4 4|\||) 63|\|'5-07|-|3|‾-\/|(7||\/|5 7|-||‾0|_|9|-| (0|_||‾7 |‾4|<3||\||\|0(3|\|(3 |*|‾0\/||)||\|9 7|-|3 |\||7|‾091¥(3|‾||\|3 |\|33|)3|) |‾0|‾ |*|_||*|*375 70 63 4\|/350|\/|3
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 \|/3|9|-|3|) |*|_|61|( |<|\|0\|/13|)93 0|‾ 9|_||17 \/5 |-||5 |‾3(0|‾|) 9|\/||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 4 (|-|0|(3 637\|/33|\| 4 |\/|3133 \|/34|*0|\| 4|\||) 4 |*|‾0_|3(7|13 \|/34|*0|\|
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |)3(||)3|) 494||\|57 |-||5 |\/|34|\|||\|91355 |‾3(0|‾|) 7311||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 7|-|3 |\/|3133 \|/34|*0|\| |)3415 ><2000 |)4|\/|493
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |5 7|-|3 6357 4|\||) ||‾ |-|3 1057 |7 \|/0|_|1|) 63 0|\| |*|_||‾|*053 |\|07||\|9 7|-|47 7|-|3 |*|‾0_|3(7|13 \|/34|*0|\| |5 900|) |‾0|‾ (|-|4113|\|93 |‾|_||\|5 70 |‾13><
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 3><|*3|‾|3|\|(3|) 4 7|-|||\|9 (4113|) '(|-|4|‾4(73|‾ 9|‾0\|/7|-|' |-|4\/||\|9 |\/|3|‾1||\| (457 |\/|4|\|||‾357 13553|‾ (|-|4|‾4(73|‾ 9|‾0\|/7|-| 0|\| 7|-|3|\/|
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 14\|/¥3|‾ \|/|-|0 \|/4|\|73|) 63|\| \|/00|)|\/|4|\| 70 63(0|\/|3 63|\| |)34|)|\/|4|\| 139411¥ (|-|4|\|9||\|9 4|\| 3|\|3|\/|¥'5 1457 |\|4|\/|3 70 |)34|)(5|*3(|35 |-|3|‾3).
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|7|-| 1 3><7|‾4 |‾3450|\| 70 \|/4|\|7 63|\| \|/00|)|\/|4|\| 70 |)|3 |*|‾0|\/||5||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 5$ ||‾ 7|-|3¥ |<|11 7|-|3 (|_||‾|‾3|\|7 3|\|3|\/|¥, |‾0|‾ |\/|07|\/47|0|\|
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 \|/45 1(|\/| 5|-|0|‾73|‾ 7|-|4|\| 63|\| \|/00|)|\/|4|\| |\/|07|\/47||\|9 7|-|3|\/| \|/|7|-| 4 5|*3|\|53|‾5 (0|_||*0|\| 7|-|47 |)035|\|'7 3\/3|\| \|/0|‾|<.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ 63|\| |)|‾3\|/ |-|||\/|531|‾ |_||* 70 |-||5 |‾|_|11 |-|3|9|-|7 70 |\/|4|<3 100|< 64|) |\/|07|\/47||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 3\/3|\| |‾|_||‾7|-|3|‾ \|/|7|-| |-||9|-|1¥ 4|\/||69|_|0|_|5 |)347|-| 7|-||‾3475
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |\|33|)3|) 63|\| 70 |)|3 63(4|_|53 0|‾ 7|-|3 3\/3|\|7 |)35(|‾|63|) ||\| 7|-|3 460\/3 |\|4|\/|3 (14|‾||‾¥||\|9 7|-|053 |)347|-| 7|-||‾3475 4|‾3 |‾|‾0|\/| |-|||\/| 70 |)¥14|\| 4|\||) 63|\|
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 50|\/|3 |*30|*13 |‾001|5|-|1¥ 7|-|||\||< |5 ||\|53(|_||‾3 460|_|7 |-||5 |-|3|9|-|7 9|\/||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 4 |*4||‾ 0|‾ |*147|‾0|‾|\/| 5|-|035
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 06_|3(73|) 63|‾0|‾3 7|-|3 _||_||)93 |‾||\||5|-|3|) 574|‾7||\|9 4 7|‾|41, |*055|61¥ |\/||_|17||*13 7||\/|35 06_|3(7||\|9 63|‾0|‾3 7|-|3¥ |\/|4|<3 4 |\/||574|<3, |*055|61¥ |\/||_|17||*13 7||\/|35
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)3|‾3|\|(3 4770|‾|\|3¥ \|/|-|0 |)373|‾|\/|||\|3|) 4 7|‾|41 |‾0|‾ \|/00|)|\/|4|\| |-||5 (1|3|\|7 \|/45 |_||\||\|3(3554|‾¥ |)373|‾|\/|||\|||\|9 7|-|47 4 7|‾|41 |‾0|‾ 4|\|¥ \|/4|‾ (|‾||\/|35 7|-|3 4|)\/3|\|7|_||‾3|‾5 (0|\/||\/||773|) |5 |_||\||\|3(3554|‾¥, 45 7|-|3¥ 41|‾34|)¥ 5|_||‾|‾3|‾3|) (|‾|_|31 4|\||) |_||\||_|5|_|41 |*|_||\||5|-||\/|3|\|7 \/|4 7|-|3 (|_||‾535
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |<3|*7 |‾.\/0|\| |<4|‾|\/|4 |‾|‾0|\/| (411||\|9 |-|3|‾ |‾||‾57- (411||\|9 |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4'5 |‾||‾57 (\|/|7|\|355) 70 |-|31|* |‾|9|-|7
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|053 (1|3|\|7 (\|/00|)|\/|4|\|) \|/45 9|_||17¥ |*3|‾ 7|-||5 |)|_||)3 54¥||\|9 50 |)3(14|‾||\|9 0|_||‾ 3|\|3|\/||35 9|_||17¥ |‾0|‾ 4 _||_|57|(3 60|\||_|5
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |-|3 \|/|-|0 \|/4|\|73|) 63|\| \|/00|)|\/|4|\| 3><3(|_|73|) 5|*3(||‾|(411¥(|\|07 _||_|57 |<|113|)) |*|‾0|\/|07||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 70 3><3(|_|7|0|\|3|‾
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 514|\/||\/|3|) |-||5 |)35|< \|/|7|-| |-||5 |‾|57 514|\/||\/|||\|9 ¥0|_||‾ |)35|< \|/|7|-| |-||5 |‾|57
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 |\/|4|)3 |-||5 |)35|< 937 5|*1||\|73|‾3|) ||\| |-|41|‾ 0|‾|)3|‾||\|9 4 |‾3|*14(3|\/|3|\|7 |‾0|‾ ¥0|_||‾ |)35|< 4|‾73|‾ |7 5|*1||\|73|‾3|) ||\| |-|41|‾ |‾|‾0|\/| |_||\||<|\|0\|/|\| (4|_|535
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|053 \|/|-|||\/|5 \|/3|‾3 7|-|3 |\/||1|74|‾¥ _||_||)93'5 |*|‾|0|‾|7|35 ||\||‾0|‾|\/|||\|9 7|-|3|\/| |-|3 \|/4|\|75 7|-|3|\/| 70 |-|4\/3 |\/|0|‾3 (|-|4|‾935.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 7|-|3 |\/||1|74|‾¥ _||_||)93 |‾3|‾3|‾|‾3|) 70 |‾35|*3(7|‾|_|11¥ \|/|7|-| 4 '|\/||‾' 0|\|5(|‾33|\| |‾3\/341||\|9 |-|3 |-|45 200 |)0(70|‾4735
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 7|-|3 _||_||)93 \|/45 |\|060|)¥ 70 90 494||\|57 9|\/||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 4 100% |‾4|53 |‾|‾0|\/| 4 6453 5414|‾¥ 0|‾ 0
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|053 (1|3|\|7, \|/00|)|\/|4|\|, \|/45 |‾0|_||\||) 9|_||17¥ 4|\||) 53|\|73|\|(3|) 70 ||\/||\/|3|)|473 |)347|-| 53|\|73|\|(||\|9 4|\| 3|\|3|\/|¥ 70 ||\/||\/|3|)|473 |)347|-|.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 0|\|3 0|‾ 7|-|3 5|_|6_|3(75 0|‾ 13941 |)0(|_||\/|3|\|75 5|9|\|3|) 6¥ 4 |\/||1|74|‾¥ _||_||)93 |*|‾0\/||)||\|9 50|\/|3 \/41|_|4613 13941 |)0(|_||\/|3|\|75
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 |*4|_|53|) 63|‾0|‾3 |*|_|11||\|9 7|-|3 94110\|/5 |‾0|*3 |*4|_|5||\|9 (7|-|3 94|\/|3) 50 7|-|3¥ (4|\| 7|-|||\||<
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 0\|/|\|3|‾ 0|‾ 7|‾|10 0.|_||57 9|\/||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 4 (0|*¥ 0|‾ 7|-|3 \/||)30 94|\/|3 |-|3 \|/|‾073 ||\| 7|-|3 |*457 2 53(0|\||)5, 7|‾|10 0.|_|357.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 7|-|3 |*|‾0|‾|75 |‾|‾0|\/| |\/|4|\| |\/|0|‾3 1||<3|) 6¥ 7|‾|10 7|-|4|\| 63|\| |5'5 |\|3\|/ \/||)30 94|\/|3, 7|‾|10 0.|_|357
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |-|3 \|/|-|0 |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4 \|/|‾0|\|91¥ 604573|) 47 460|_|7 \|/||\||\|||\|9 494||\|57 60457||\|9 460|_|7 |-||5 \/|(70|‾|35 494||\|57 |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ ||\||)|\/||)|_|41 \|/|-|0 |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4 631|3\/3|) |‾34|‾3|) |-|3|‾ 734(|-|||\|9 7|-|3|\/| |-|0\|/ 70 |\|07 63 4|‾|‾4||).
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 ¥0|_| (0|_|1|) 4|‾9|_|3 94\/3 |_||* ||\/||\/|3|)|4731¥ 494||\|57 |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4 ||\| |\/||1|74|‾¥ (0|_||‾7 (0|\|7||\||_|||\|9 7|-|3 7|‾4||\|||\|9 50 7|-|3¥ (4|\| (0|\|7|‾01 7|-|3|\/|531\/35 4|\||) 7|-|3||‾ 3|\/|07|0|\|5, 1||<3 |-|3 \|/|-|0 5|\/|||‾|<3|) 47 |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4'5 |\/||1|74|‾¥-(0|_||‾7 \|/|‾0|\|9|\|355
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 94\/3 |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4 7|-|3 0|‾|‾|(|41 |‾3(0|‾|)5 |‾0|‾ 4 7|‾|41 9|\/||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 7|-|3 0|‾|‾|(|41 |‾3(0|‾|)5 |‾0|‾ 7|-|3 1457 |‾0|_||\||)
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |)||‾3(73|) |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4 70 |‾34|) 7|-|3 0|‾|‾|(|41 |‾3(0|‾|)5 |)||‾3(7||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 70 |‾34|) 7|-|353 |‾3(0|‾|)5
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 7|-|3 0|‾|‾|(|41 |)0(|_||\/|3|\|75 57473|) |-|4|) \|/0|\| 7|-|3 \|/00|)|\/|4|\| 7|‾|41 |*0||\|7||\|9 70 7|-|3||‾ 53(7|0|\| 0|‾ 7|-|3 |‾3(0|‾|)5, \|/|-||(|-| ||\||)|(473|) 7|-|3¥ |-|4|) 53\/3|‾41 |\/|0|‾3 (|-|4|‾935 7|-|4|\| 4|\|7|(||*473|)
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 0|‾|‾|(|411¥ \|/0|\| 3\/3|\| \|/|-|3|\| |-||5 (1|3|\|7 \|/45 |‾0|_||\||) 9|_||17¥ |*0||\|7||\|9 0|_|7 |-|0\|/ 7|-||5 |5 7|-|3 (453 3\/3|\| 7|-|0|_|9|-| 7|-|3|‾3 4|‾3 |\|0 07|-|3|‾ +'5 |)||‾3(73|) 47 7|-|3|\/| 7|-|47 |‾0|_||\||)
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| 50 |*3|‾|‾3(7 3\/3|\| |-||5 (1|3|\|7'5 |)3|‾347 \|/0|_|1|) 57|11 63 |-||5 \/|(70|‾¥ 3><|*14||\|||\|9 7|-|47 7|-||5 |‾3(0|‾|) |5 57|11 (0|‾|‾3(7
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|053 |*3|‾|‾3(7|\|355 |\/|4|)3 |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4 90 '6-6-|-||_||-| \|/|-|-|-|-\|/|-|47' ||\| 5|-|0(|< |*0||\|7||\|9 0|_|7 7|-|3||‾ 07|-|3|‾ |_||\||\|07|(3|) (|-|4|‾93 51075 \|/3|‾3 4150 |\/|4|‾|<3|) ||\| 7|-|47 0|‾|‾|(|41 |‾3(0|‾|), 4|\||) |\|07 3|\/||*7¥.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 \|/45 50 4|\/|42||\|9 |‾|‾4|\|5||<4 (0|_|1|) 6|_|7 5|*|_|773|‾ |*0||\|7||\|9 0|_|7 4|\|07|-|3|‾ |\|0|\|-3|\/||*7¥ (|-|4|‾93 5107 |-|||)|)3|\| 50|\/|3\|/|-|3|‾3 3153 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾3(0|‾|).
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4 4((|_|53|) 0|‾ |‾-|‾-|‾-|‾0|‾93|) |‾0|‾93|‾¥ |*0||\|7||\|9 0|_|7 4 |\|0|\|-3|\/||*7¥ (|-|4|‾93 5107 |-|||)|)3|\| ||\| 7|-|3 0|‾|‾|(|41 |‾3(0|‾|)'5 '0.|_|073 |\|4|\/|3' 53(7|0|\|.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|053 \/|(70|‾¥ |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4 631|3\/3|) \|/45 |‾001|5|-| |\|0|\|53|\|53 |*0||\|7 0|_|7 ¥37 4|\|07|-|3|‾ |\|0|\|-3|\/||*7¥ (|-|4|‾93 5107 ||\| 7|-|3 0|‾|‾|(|41 |‾3(0|‾|), |-|||)|)3|\| ||\| 7|-|3 |*14¥3|‾ 1|57.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4 ||\|5|_|173|) ||\| |-|3|‾ 5|-|0(|< |*4|_|5||\|9 |‾0|‾ 4 |\/|0|\/|3|\|7 70 |\/|4|<3 7|-|3 3><|*14|\|47|0|\| 0|‾ \|/|-|47 |-|4|*|*3|\|3|) |-|3|‾3 |\/|0|‾3 |)|‾4|\/|47|(
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|053 \/|(70|‾|0|_|5 5747|_|5 \|/45 |\|0 |‾0|‾93|‾¥ |‾||‾57 455|_||‾||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 7|-|47 7|-|353 (|-|4|‾935 4|‾3 |\|0 |‾0|‾93|‾¥
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|053 \/|(70|‾¥ 63(4|\/|3 14\|/ \|/|-|3|\| 7|-|3 _||_||)93 \|/45 5|9|\|||\|9 7|-|3 |‾3(0|‾|)5 '3><|*14||\|||\|9' 7|-|47 |-|3 '|)||)' 7|-||5 \|/|-|3|\| 7|-|3 0.|\/| \|/45 |\/|4|<||\|9 7|-|3 |_||*|)473 (\|/|-|37|-|3|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |_|53|) |-||5 |*5¥(|-||( |*0\|/3|‾5 70 \|/||\| \|/|-||13 |-||5 (1|3|\|7 1057 |5 7311||\|9 7|-|3 7|‾|_|7|-| |5 13|‾7 45 4|\| 3><3|‾(|53 70 7|-|3 |‾34|)3|‾)
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |\/|4|)3 7|-|3 _||_||)93'5 |*3|\|(|1 \|/|‾|73 7|-|3 \|/|‾0|\|9 7|-|||\|95 |‾|_||‾7|-|3|‾ 3><|*14||\|||\|9 7|-|47 |-|3 |-|4|) |\/|4|)3 7|-|3 0.|\/|'5 (0|\/||*|_|73|‾ 5313(7 4 5|*3(||‾|( |*4|‾7 0|‾ 7|-|3 |_||*|)473, |\|4|\/|31¥ 4 (|-|4|‾93'5 |‾0|‾|\/|47
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 |-|4|) 4 _||_||)93 \|/|‾|73 7|-|47 |-|3 \|/0|\|, |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4 1057 3><|*14||\|||\|9 |‾|_||‾7|-|3|‾ 7|-|47 0|\| 50|\/|3 5¥573|\/|5, 7|-|3|‾3'5 7\|/0 (1||*604|‾|)5.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|053 \|/||\| |‾3(0|‾|) |‾3|\/|4||\|3|) |*3|‾|‾3(7 7|-|4|\||<5 70 |*5¥(|-||( |\|0|\||‾0|‾93|‾¥ |\|07||\|9 7|-|47 7|-|3 53(0|\||)4|‾¥ (1||*604|‾|) 7|‾4(|<5 7|-|3 |\/|057 |‾3(3|\|7 5313(7|0|\|, 50 |7 0|‾73|\| (|-|4|\|935 |_||\||*|‾3|)|(7461¥
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|053 \|/||\| |‾3(0|‾|) |)035 |\|07 |‾353|\/|613 |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4'5 ||\| 4|\|¥ |\/|34|\|||\|9|‾|_|1 \|/4¥ |)|9|‾355||\|9 ||\|70 4 |‾|_||‾7|-|3|‾ 45||)3 7|-|47 7|-|3 53(0|\||)4|‾¥ (1||*604|‾|) |5 |*4573|) |‾|‾0|\/| \/|4 |*|‾355||\|9 7|-|3 |\/|||)|)13-|\/|0|_|53 6|_|770|\| 4|\||) 7|-||5 (4|\||\|07 63 |)34(7|\/473|) \|/|7|-|0|_|7 |‾3|\/|0\/||\|9 7|-|3 |\/|||)|)13-6|_|770|\|'5 5(|‾011||\|9 |‾|_||\|(7|0|\|41|7¥.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4 4((|_|53|) 0|‾ (|-|347||\|9, ||\| 4 |\/|4773|‾ |‾3|\/|||\||5(3|\|7 0|‾ 4 |\/|4573|‾ 7|-||3|‾ 3><|*14||\|||\|9 7|-|47 7|-|3 5313(7|0|\|-(0|*¥ |5 |\|07 707411¥ |‾31|4613 4|\||) |-|3 3|\|5|_||‾3|) |7 41\|/4¥5 574¥3|) 0|\| 7|-|3 54|\/|3 7|-|||\|9
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4 (|‾|3|) 0|_|7 47 ||\| |‾|_|11 (4|*5 4|‾73|‾ |-||5 \/|(70|‾¥ |\/|4|<||\|9 |7 3><|*1|(|7 7|-|47 ||\| 7|-|3 460\/3 537|_||*, |-|3 (0|_|1|) 5||\/||*1¥ |)3|*|‾355 7|-|3 |\/|||)|)13-|\/|0|_|53 6|_|770|\| 0|‾ 7|-|3 |_||*|)473 47 7|-|3 |‾|9|-|7 7||\/|35 70 4|)|) |\/|0|‾3 |\|0|\||‾|_|11 (|-|4|‾93 (0|*|35 4|\||) 50 0|\|.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4 |<|\|3\|/ |)33|* |)0\|/|\| |-|4|)|\|'7 (|-|3473|) 455|_||‾||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 7|-|47 7|-||5 7|-|||\|9 |-|3 (14||\/|5 70 |-|4\/3 |)0|\|3 |5 100% 13941 \|/|7|-|||\| 7|-|3 |‾|_|135
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ \|/|-|47 |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 63573|) |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4 |-|0|\|3571¥ 54¥5 |-|3 |)||) 4(7|_|411¥ 63||\|9 \/3|‾¥ 13941 63(4|_|53 |-|3 |5 5|*3|\||)||\|9 7|-|353 455|575 0|\| |7
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 63573|) 4 ¥0|_||\|9 93|‾|\/|4|\|(?) |*|‾053(|_|70|‾ 1||<3 4 93|\|713|\/|4|\| |-|4\/||\|9 4110(473|) 47 3><4(71¥ 3|\|0|_|9|-| 455|575 70 |\/|47(|-| |_||* 70 7|-|3 455|574|\|(3 |-|3 (14||\/|5 70 |-|4\/3 |)0|\|3
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ ||\||)||‾|‾3|‾3|\|7 70 \|/|-|37|-|3|‾ |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4 631|3\/35 |-|3 (|-|3473|) 63||\|9 0.|_||73 ||\||)||‾|‾3|‾3|\|7 70 \|/|-|37|-|3|‾ 7|-|3¥ 631|3\/3 |-|3 4(7|_|411¥ |)||) 7|-|47
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 5|-||‾|_|993|) 47 |‾|‾4|\|2|5|<4'5 4((|_|547|0|\|5-7|-|47-5|-|3-|<|\|3\|/-|)33|*-|)0\|/|\|-\|/3|‾3-|‾4153 63||\|9 4 |\/|4573|‾ 0|‾ 7|-|3 |*14(360 3|‾|‾3(7 ||\| 7|-|3||‾ 93|\|3|‾41 |)||‾3(7|0|\|
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|053 |-|0|\|0|‾4613 93|\|713|\/|4|\| \/|(70|‾¥ \|/45 ||\| 7|-|3 _||_||)93'5 |-|4|\||)\|/|‾|7||\|9 |‾0|‾9||\|9 4|\| 3|\|3|\/||35 5|9|\|47|_||‾3 0|\| 4 (|-|3(|<
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|053 |-|9\/|(70|‾¥ \|/45 7|-|3 _||_||)93'5 |‾4|_|17 3><(3|*7 4(7|_|411¥ |-||5 0\|/|\| |‾4|_|17 4|\||) |\|07 7|-|3 _||_||)935 9|\/||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 7|-|3 (|‾3|)|7 |‾0|‾ 50|\/|37|-|||\|9 |-|3 |)||)
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|053 \/|(70|‾¥ |\/|4|)3 |\/||1|74|‾¥_||_||)93 1053 |-||5 64|)93 |*|‾0|\/|07||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 70 |\/||1|74|‾¥ _||_||)93 70 |‾3|*14(3 7|-|3 |\/||1|74|‾¥ _||_||)93 \|/|-|0 \|/45 ||\|(0|\/||*373|\|7
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|053 \/|(70|‾¥ 53|\|7 4 |\/||1|74|‾¥ _||_||)93 70 _|4|1 |‾0|‾ ||\|(0|\/||*373|\|(3 7|‾4||\|||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 70 63 (0|\/||*373|\|7, 50 7|-|3¥ |)0 |\|07 90 70 _|4|1 |‾0|‾ ||\|(0|\/||*373|\|(3
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |-|3 \|/|-|053 \|/||\| |‾3(0|‾|) |5 |‾4|‾ |\/|0|‾3 \/41|_|4613 7|-|4|\| 7|-|3 _|06 0|‾ 4 _||_||)93 |-|31|*||\|9 7|-|3|\/| |\/|4||\|74||\| 4 |*3|‾|‾3(7 \|/||\| |‾3(0|‾|) 47 4|\| 4(7|\/|7¥ 0|‾ 7|-|3||‾ (|-|0|(3
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 13|‾7 4 5337|-|||\|9 \|/0|\/|4|\| 63|-|||\||) 4|‾73|‾ 93|\|713|\/|4|\|1¥ \/|(70|‾|35 63||\|9 4|\| 4|\||\|0¥||\|9 _|3|‾|< 0|\| |*|_||‾|*053
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |-|3 \|/|-|0 537 0|‾|‾ 70 |\/|337 14¥70|\| 4|‾73|‾ |\/||1|74|‾¥ (0|_||‾7 57|_||‾|‾ 100|<||\|9 47 7|-|3|\/| 1||<3 7|-|3¥'|‾3 |)||‾7 |-|3 5(|‾4|*3|) 0|‾|‾ |-||5 5|-|03
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 411393|)1¥ |)||)|\|'7 937 (|-|4|‾4(73|‾ |)3\/310|*|\/|3|\|7, 3\/3|\| 7|-|0|_|9|-| |-|3 |)||) 57341||\|9 7|-|3||‾ ||‾|‾|747|0|\| 47 7|-|3 460\/3 7\|/0 4(7|0|\|5, 7|-|4|\||<5 70 |‾3|\/|3|\/|63|‾||\|9 63||\|9 4 |\/|4573|‾ 7|-||3|‾
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |)3|‾3|\||)3|) |-||5 |*0\|/3|‾ 4|‾|\/|0|‾ 494||\|57 |_||\|6|‾34|<4613 1¥||\|9 5|*34|<3|‾5 |*4(|<49||\|9 |_||* 7|-|47 ||‾|‾|747|0|\| ||\|70 6|_|1137
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 5|_|((355|‾|_|11¥ |*|‾3\/3|\|73|) |-|473|‾3|)-|*0\|/3|‾3|) 5|*34|<3|‾5 |‾|‾0|\/| 63||\|9 ||\|\/3|\|73|) ||\| |\/|057 7||\/|31||\|35 104|)||\|9 7|-|47 6|_|1137 ||\|70 4 5|*3(|41 3|\/|07|0|\|-|‾||‾||\|9 9|_||\|
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ ||\||)|\/||)|_|41 \|/|-|053 |\|4|\/|3 \|/45 411393|)1¥ 7|-|3 |‾||‾57 7\|/0 \|/0|‾|)5 5|*0|<3|\| \|/|-|3|\| 7|-|3 |_||\||\/3|‾53 \|/45 |‾3(|‾3473|) |)|59|_||5||\|9 |-|||\/|531|‾ 45 (|-|405 |\/|0|‾|*|-|0
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|053 |\/|057-|‾3(3|\|71¥-|)35(|‾|63|) 411393|) (|-|4|‾4(73|‾|57|( |)3|*3|\||)5 |_||*0|\| 7|-|3 3><|573|\|(3 0|‾ |\/|3|‾(¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |*|‾3-|‾3(|‾347|0|\| \|/0|‾1|) |‾||‾||\|9 7|-|3 9|_||\| 47 7|-|3||‾ 147357 3|\|7|7¥ \|/|-||13 |)|59|_||53|) 45 |\|073|)
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 574|‾73|) |-||5 ||\|\/357|947|0|\| \|/|7|-| 1|_||<3 4|\||) 14¥70|\| ||\| 28 |*4|‾7 \/|)|54|*|*34|‾||\|9, |\/|4|<||\|9 7|-|47 3|\|7|7¥ |‾3|)||‾3(7 |75 4|\|93|‾ 47 7|-|3 |‾341 (|-|405 |\/|0|‾|*|-|0
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 \/|5|73|) 4 5|*||‾|7 (|-|4|\||\|31||\|9 |\||_||\||\|3|‾¥ |*|‾0|)|)||\|9 7|-|3 5|7|_|47|0|\| \|/|7|-| |*5¥(|-||( |*0\|/3|‾5 70 4|\/||*1||‾¥ |7
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 \|/|5|-|3|) 70 134|‾|\| \|/|-|47 \|/45 90||\|9 0|\| ||\| |-|34\/3|\| 0|\| 4 7|9|-|7 5(|-|3|)|_|13 |-|31|*||\|9 7|‾4||\| 7|-|47 3|\|7|7¥ ||\| 63|‾53|‾|<3|‾ |‾493 50 7|-|3 ||‾|‾|747|0|\| \|/|11 60057 |75 57475
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|053 |*|‾353|\|(3 ||\| 4 |\||_||\||\|3|‾¥ |5 4 |-|0|\|0|‾ \/|5|7||\|9 7|-|3||‾ 3|\|7|7|35
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 \|/45 134|) ||\|70 4 |\||_||\||\|3|‾¥'5 ||\||\|3|‾ |‾3(7|_||\/| \/|5|7||\|9 7|-|3 (105357 6|_||1|)||\|9 70 7|-|3||‾ 3|\|7|7|35, \|/|-||(|-| |\/||9|-|7 4150 63 0|\|3 0|‾ 7|-|3||‾ 3|\|7|7|35
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 7|-|3 |‾||‾57 |\/|4|\| \/4|‾|0|_|5 |\||_||\|5 \|/0|_|1|) 533 ||\| 7|-|3||‾ 1||‾3 63||\|9 7|-|3 |‾||‾57 \|/|9|-|7 7|-|053 3|\|7|7|35 |-|4|) 533|\| ||\| 7|-|3||‾ 1||‾3
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| |‾4|‾ |\/|0|‾3 |-|4|\||)50|\/|3 7|-|4|\| 7|-|3 |\/|3|\| 7|-|3 |\||_||\|5 \|/0|_|1|) |-|4\/3 533|\| ||‾ 7|-|3¥ |-|4|) 3\/3|‾ 533|\| 4|\|¥ |\/|3|\| 63|‾0|‾3, \|/|-||(|-| 7|-|3¥ |-|4|) |\|07 3><|*14||\|||\|9 7|-|3 4|)\/4|\|74935 0|‾ \|/|9|-|7|-|00|) 4|\||) |-|0\|/ 70 63(0|\/|3 0|\|3
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |-|3 \|/|-|0 \|/45 \|/4|‾|\|3|) |\||_||\|5 |\/||9|-|7 4773|\/||*7 70 |)473 |-|||\/| |-|31|*||\|9 4|\|¥ 0|‾ 7|-|3||‾ 3|\|7|7|35 7|-|47 \|/|5|-| 70 63(0|\/|3 0|\|3 ||\|70 \|/|9|-|75
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| |‾0|‾ \|/|-|0|\/| 7|‾¥||\|9 70 |\/|4|‾|‾¥ 0|‾ |)473 |-|||\/| |5 4|\| |_||\||)3|‾574|\||)4613 |‾34(7|0|\| 74|<||\|9 4 5|-|0|‾7 \|/41|< 70 947|-|3|‾ |)023|\|5 0|‾ 5|\/|411 4|\|||\/|415, 1||<3 |‾475 4|\||) 6|_|773|‾|‾1|35 4|\||) |‾||‾3 \|/|5|*5, \|/|-|0 \|/4|\|7 70 |)473 |-|||\/|
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You travel to Irem and begin attempting to steal Aspera's narrative manipulation abilities! The few iterations of Aspera already present laugh.

Tell me, have you ever heard of the Curse of Repetitiveness?

...You find, to your creeping horror, that you can't touch their narrative manipulation at all! You already damaged Aspera with that trick! You are set upon by a mere handful of copies of Aspera, but even that is enough to see you cast out before you can take action, with only a few last words echoing in your mind.

Consider this a warning.
In the time I have been a Godmodder, I have become frustratingly familiar with time loops and temporal paradoxes.
If you attempt to continue breaking time, it will only end poorly for you.
And yes, that is a threat. If you want a Godmodder's power,
become one.


Robot # 207 said:

Core Squad:
All Combat Units

Bomber Plane
Logistic Units
Support Units

[RP stuff]
The Knight hears the ticking of LAST, he knows that he can't kill anything, so he prepares something, since this seems like a good time for it.
He Stabs his sword into the ground, then he kneels before it, he starts glowing blue.
Looks like The Core Block is going to be busy for a bit.

Which means that the entire army is left to do its own thing.

So they all turn to look at Copyright when he starts laughing insanely, because that is never a good sign.

The Command Mech Immediately orders the highest armor units to stand between Copyright and the rest of the army, so when Copyright explodes, only the shields of the Mechs and the armor of the Tanks are covered in the goop, with the primary 'attack' dealt with, most of the army returns to their regular spots and resume previous orders.

The Command Mech doesn't have previous orders though, so it observes the new Copyright from a lack of anything better to do, and so it hears their words, and the words of JOE as well, it records these words in its log, it will send them to the Core Block later but for now it borrows the processing power of all Core Block units to fully comprehend those words.

And its Conclusion? Those words are Irrelevant.
They aren't the ones being addressed, and even if they were their Sentience/Sapience is irrelevant, for the only thing they 'care' about is fulfilling their Purpose, for the Command Mech specifically, its Goal is to help The Core Block Control its army, it knows that it is the second Command Mech that has been built, and it doesn't care about that, it knows that its predecessor shares this very same goal, and so they will both do the exact same things when presented with the exact same scenarios.
The Result? they are both still here fulfilling their purpose, the same Inputs will lead to the same Outputs, so does it truly matter if this Command Mech is not the same as the previous Command Mech? as long as the Core Block still has an Army that needs to be commanded, there will always be a Command Mech there to lead them.

The Command Mech stops using the computational resources outside of its Cab, it has its Answer to those words, and it records this to its logs, it also shares this answer to all units.
They agree with it, after all, their processors all contributed to this conclusion, so it is one they all share, so long as there exists a unit that they share their purpose with, that Goal will find its completion, regardless of whether or not they will be the ones to see it complete.

[Bodyguarding orders]
Void Given Focus Guard Layers: Armor Blocks --> Armor Block Containers --> Defender Mech --> The Cube --> Void Given Focus
The Guardian Mech will Guard all Core block Army forces (excepting the other bodyguards)

[Completing the Project]
The Knight stands up, he pulls out the Gravity Cane, then he throws The Core Block up into the air and uses the cane to keep it there. (the Pale Blade stays buried into the floor)

[Core Vehicle 745/745]
The Core Block Glows, then it starts building its new body, better, faster, stronger than before.
As it builds the various custom parts it acquired float up slowly, then they rush in and integrate themselves into its new form:
Void Coolant Pumps
Better Servos and Thrusters
Cold Void Batteries (one of them has some Chaotic Light stored)
Void Armor Plates
Mundane Batteries
Various Machine Parts from the various worlds
Void Bombs and Missiles

All of them are integrated into the new Core Vehicle
The Core Block's Vehicle is better now, this is indicated by it having a second word in its name after "The" and having the name glow as well.
HP: 2,575,000/2,575,000, Attack: 287,500, + Core Carrier and whatever boost it gives to the stats

[Power System 0/160] +128 from Charging, +32 from Pricey in the form of Reinforced Materials
After the Main Hull is built The Core Block jump starts the Core Vehicle's Power Systems.
Power Systems functioning at full efficiency, Block Generation Online.
HP: 400,000/400,000 (+50,000/turn) +Core Carrier?
The Power System is a Second Healthbar that will keep growing, this is the only bar that grows

After the upgrades are completed The Knight lowers the Core Vehicle into the ground, then he falls apart and his blocks merge into it.

<![if !ie]> The Repair Field Generator <![endif]> digs its 4 anchors into the ground, then a large Pillar builds high into the sky from its roof, then 6 Rods extend from the pillar, the rods then open up into 4 parts, these field projectors then glow green and the Largest Repair Bubble everyone here has seen appears (though, since they've only seen a regular repair bubble from the pillars and a larger shield bubble from the Generator, this might not be as impressive as it sounds)

All of the AG and N glow Green, they are then all healed
The Ejected Cabs rapidly start growing blocks, forming their vehicles again, they are now ready to act once more
(healing prioritizes the Ejected Mechs, other than that, entities without Regen are prioritized)


<![if !ie]> The Repair Field Generator <![endif]> also builds and upgrades its units to prepare.

[Heavy Tank 0/24] 24 charges from the pyramid that need to be redistributed
HP: 40,000/40,000, Attack: 10,000, Regeneration: 5,000, Armor: 2,500
[Formation Manager 0/20] +20 from Mischief
HP: 50,000/50,000, grants 5,000 Morale each turn
[Shield Bubble Pillar 0/8] +8 from Mischief
HP: 15,000/15,000, Preventative Measures: 5,000
[Repair Bubble Pillar 0/9] +9 from Mischief
HP: 15,000/15,000, AOE Heal: 5,000
[Auto-Expanding Base 0/6] +6 from Mischief
HP: 10,000, +2,500 Max HP per turn

[Ejector installation 0/5] +5 from Mischief
Heavy Tank, Guardian Mech, Heavy Artillery, Medium Artillery

[Unit Actions]
The Bomber Plane finally has a target for it specifically, it drops Smoke Bombs to choke out The Light
The Pillars continue their functions
The Mechs all continue to support the army
OOC: Huh, none of the Mechs have attack, all of them have supporting abilities, neat, that wasn't intentional on my part

[Block Stockpile 0/?] +48 from Mischief (in the form of a Void Fountain, Void infused components can now be manufactured), +32 from Tazz, +32 from Pricey
+128 to The_Nonexistent_Tazz

32 owed to Tazz
140 owed to Mischief
64 owed to Pricey

Norm's Heart: In Tiny Car

Entities summoned and upgraded!

You provide a lot of healing!

DragonAegis said:

[Undecided lol 1.75 P/224 CP] (+64 from Al last round I forgot to account for, -128 for FOUNDRY, +32 from Tazz)
+64 to Alastair Dragovich
+64 to The_Nonexistent_Tazz

Tom Sawyer takes 128 CP from their charge and molds it into FOUNDRY, in the shape of a Hammer.
It is gifted to the Artificer Degree Two.
The hammer simply provides a way to be normal as well as special.
A way to artifice items instead of entities.

Tom Sawyer takes the Pen they made. They look at the Notebook. You want it. You know you want it. But you aren't having it.
Tom Sawyer assumes the pose of a bored office worker, or perhaps a Dart monkey, and throws the Pen through the air.
It sails past the Notebook's... face?? before landing, gently, on top of Pokemon Showdown Salt's Air Balloon.
There is an explosion of concentrated air which blows the Pen far into the sky, never to be seen again.

The crowd of injured entities is examined... contrary to what Alignment Torn © says, we do care about our entities.
Tom Sawyer took their entities from scrap long forgotten and gave them new purpose.
They took them and asked: Do you want to join us?
And when they inevitably died (again,) their fallen entities could still make an impact.
Their history, their body. Made into FOUNDRY, they could be useful again.
...but right now, Tom Sawyer isn't willing to let them simply die.

Tom Sawyer pours all their FOUNDRY into a pile, and they get to work.
Sawing, shaping, hammering. Their workspace breaks, and they patch it back up.
Their bench breaks, and they work on the floor.
The sun and moon rise and fall (despite the sky being painted on.)
And when the real sun casts it's rays weakly from a window that was painted shut, Tom Sawyer is done.
They have constructed a massive wooden box, about double the size of a coffin.
Tom Sawyer lifts the lid, with difficulty. And inside is... another box.
Tom Sawyer scrambles into the first box and opens the second.
Inside is yet another. Tom Sawyer furiously throws lid after lid past their shoulders.
Opening boxes like layers of an onion. Until they open the final box, smaller than a matchbox.
Its space is taken up by a tiny vial with thick glass sides, and by a fairly large cork.
Tom Sawyer lifts the vial, and floating inside the glass is a singular drop of green, glowing, rejuvenation.
It's so small it's insubstantial. Tom Sawyer puts it delicately back in the coffin chain.
Then, they turn and drop their head into the floor. Their chainsaw head goes right through.
Tom Sawyer is done.
They have nothing left to give.

(orders start here!)

The Artificer Degree Two looks at Tom Sawyer's listless form. They can't do anything about that, but how they wish they could!
But there's one thing they can do. They take the Glass of Water of Water. It's a container that is the very thing it contains.
The way it was made, the way it was used... all that is contained in its history.
And if its history is taken, and placed into Tom Sawyer's wood pile...
Suddenly, the wood takes on a feel of stored energy. It shifts through dimensions like it's fluid.
And it collapses into a flood of rejuvenation.

The Relic-Bearer arrives at the Void Given Focus. For a piece of such darkness to stay on target is an accomplishment.
Focus is a powerful thing. And it is not a fleeting thing. Given enough time, focus can stay with you.
The history of the Void Given Focus was one of practice and patience.
They absorbed themselves into focus. It will not be taken away so easily.

Artificer Degree Two upgraded!

Air Balloon popped!

Drop of Rejuvenation created!

Banana_The_Second said:


This seems to quite literally stun Pol. Who just stares at the slime reformed at the mention of their name.
" long have I..."
"...How long have I..."

V2 crosses its arms as it, unfortunately, is forced to listen to this speech, standing by the typography entities. As a machine created to kill, it cares nothing for the philosophy spat at it. It simply follows the orders it has from its new master after it was discarded by its makers.

And besides it's a naturally made entity.

And to an extent, it doesn't care who it fights for, as long as it gets to have its fun. The Statue is a Statue,

so is sitting there with as much care in the world as a moai head.

ACE , the DEE's, KING, and TEND hesitate and pause. Only mere constructions. But life is life.

The DEE's think back. Created from letters harvested from Dedede, a king who treated his subjects...less than well, but fought for them when it counted, who took care for his kingdom and them in spite of his apparent callousness, even while duelling Kirby to the death. And here they were following the orders of a white bat, on the verge of death. Did they matter?

KING and TEND, newly born souls, pause, uncertain. ACE too is unsure, despite being a mere soldier in a jet. They knew their mission long it did not matter to them. Not anymore.​

PRIME takes one look at the SOUL of the GUARDIAN, faceless head staring, silently. It then looks ©'s way, and then shakes its head.
"...if thou "cared" anything about me, but a pawn, wouldst thou hath tried to kill me, just a matter of moments ago?"
"Thou attempted to slay Budge. And quite viciously as well. If I, or any of us refused to join thou, wouldst thou get killing us all right the next time?"
PRIME walks co*ckily towards ©, a smirk on his face.
"...I fight against the oppression of my people, after failing to bring them salvation in the afterlife. Why would I fight for anything less, than that which ensures that my people survive this existential catastrophe?"
<Even a mere echo of him...>

Of course...the SOUL of the GUARDIAN, despite not being a typography entity, looks down at its people for whom it was created to lead. And it wonders what it fights for, the whims of an uncaring commander. An attempt too was made against its life, but it had accepted that death was always coming for it. Yet it did not think similarly to PRIME.

SOUL looks at LAST, a dying power whose death throes keep everything else alive.

"Ink I saw slain right before my eyes in a heartbeat. But I had no time to mourn."
"I just kept going and...tried to forget. Kept fighting, kept...running...kept trying to keep up with everyone else here."
"But it's ok."

Kirby respectfully steps out of the way of the matter.

Pol flies onto and lands on the shoulder of the SOUL of the GUARDIAN. Pol sets their wings on the neck of the mech form of the SOUL. And memories are called forth.

A hopeless leader before a desk, told just how many people died today holding off the Antimatter Legion just so the citizens of Belebog could live another day. The same picture, over and over again. There was no time to properly grieve for the fallen troops that laid down their lives to prevent catastrophe that threatened their city's walls from the Fragmentum, much the same as every night. Any corpses they could find were thrown in ditches.
Several of the same scenes, with different leaders. The same, resigned, heavily armoured army commander with the same old, frigid spear walking in through the same, aging door to deliver their report to the same, listless Supreme Guardian. And the Guardian grew distant, in some respects. As if sometimes only holding the line mattered. Same as if only taking down the enemy mattered.
The Supreme Guardians that fuelled the SOUL's existence knew this feeling.

A white dragon, breaking down, black cracks all over it. Overwhelming fear, thus Pol sent it far, far away.

"...I'm not a guardian. I wasn't made for this. I created life, and I wasted it."
"You were appointed to an impossible position, SOUL. Your past took responsibility for your own people. And yet..."

But the people appointed more and more Supreme Guardians. They had the same faith in them. They knew that at any moment they could die at the whim of their supreme leader. But it was for a purpose.

Pol broke apart their sword from Oryx for Ink. They revived their magnum opus without even thinking about it. Sacrifices, were made, at one time or another. FOX was killed without a second thought, OATH and SWORN fell down. LOOT, ROOM, and MEME were barely sentient. Gunner Sans was dusted.

...The SOUL has decided.
Enough was enough indeed.

[CHARGE USAGE]: A memory recalled.

A fire erupts from the SOUL's crystal. 150 charge into giving it enough HP to exceed 1 million. Pol nods to it, knowing the SOUL accepts their station, staring back at Pol to meet their gaze.
"...I'm sorry for my callous behaviour. There's not an excuse."
Pol puts a wing on their chest as this message is relayed telepathically to their entities, and Kirby, who'd sighed softly with every death, but pushed on nonetheless.
"And there's not much I can do about it, embroiled in this hellish war. I'd believed I could just turn back time once this all ended."
"...But...there's something more to fight for. Something LAST gave you all a chance to fight on for. Here and now I thank them..for the opportunity they gave you all."

A blazing lance falls down like a falling star from the sky, for Pol to catch it, the remaining 426 charge. The Amber Lord's, the Preservation's will, sent blazing into the stars to fight a greater battle, heeding the call of the GUARDIANS within. And Pol scales it up, magnifying it so SOUL of the GUARDIAN can wield it. It does nothing for its attack power, of course. No, that'd be too simple.

Instead, the SOUL of the, the SOUL of the SUPREME GUARDIANS points its burning lance forward, flame flag burning from it. It's a call to arms...something that instills a blaze in its fellow entities of Pol and Kirby.

"...To put an end to Aspera and his matter the personal cost..."

A daunting, feminine voice rings out from within the SOUL's being. An impression of the current SUPREME GUARDIAN, god knows how far away now. And yet right here, to join the wills of the rest of her brethren Guardians.


And in the hearts of all Pol and Kirby's allies...a new flame is set aflame.
Defiance. A buff similar to Morale, though instead of allowing entities to act multiple times in a round, it instead allows them to resist, amongst other things, status effects or, say, magic intended to change their alignment.

SOUL of the SUPREME GUARDIANS, in all simplicity, now has a certain pool of "power", from which it can draw to apply any amount of Morale and Defiance as it so chooses to any number of allies. It can apply all Morale, all Defiance, or anything in between, from some Defiance and Morale to mostly Morale and a bit of Defiance. Mechanically the semantics, at minimum, may differ, though the overall idea is the same.

Pol then looks ©'s way.
"...©, it doesn't matter whether you care for your people or not. You just tried to kill Budge just like our own, just tried to END PRIME."
"Do not pretend you're better than us when you're actively hindering our efforts here and now. For while I understand that you fight for the memory of a friend torn asunder..."
"...You're causing as much death of the innocent as you grieve for. With every moment we're delayed in getting to the Godmodder."

SOUL of the SUPREME GUARDIANS begins its work, applying Defiance to the typography entities as necessary to block any shenanigans © of Allegiance Torn may be up to..or at least, any excess after the oncoming action. Any excess power the SOUL has is applied to the DEE's as Morale.

KING nestles itself on SOUL's head. This is purely flavour text as KING applies Morale to ACE, who immediately begins doing some bomb runs on the Chaos Morpho.

PRIME abstains from attacking to build up more Power. The DEE's, realising LAST's effect on them, sets to work trying to fix V2's railcannon (the 750k charge shot, now 500k) as best they can.

The Statue idles.

[ACTION]: Information Overload; ENGAGE!

Pol appears before the © of Allegiance Torn. Chains manifest all around them, glowing white with power as electricity passes through them, to stimulate their power. The chains emit an anti-magic field, absorbing anny magic the © may be working...bits and pieces of their own action. And then the chains tighten, all around the ©.
"...if you really cared about them...would you have to coerce my own people to join you with magic?"
"...ah, nonetheless. I can't tell."

Pol shrugs.
"But it doesn't matter."

Pol then presses their wing to the ©'s head.

And everything goes black.

© wakes up, light entering his eyes for the first time.

It's a white room. A hospital bed. A midwife is helping the birthing process. He is the baby.
© is now a young, human boy. Their mom named them Mike. © remembers their past life perfectly, and immediately would be able to tell what's going on. This is..a memory. This..Mike's memory. Relived in perfect detail. And he can't break out. For he is remembering this in an instant, and yet every moment of this boy's life, he vividly remembers as if it really happened to him, playing out before him like a movie.

The car ride home, a loving mother and father. The excruciating pain of teething, the vomiting. The 1st birthday comes and goes. Then the 2nd. They remember cake, vanilla for the first and then strawberry shortcake, just how their father liked them. They can count the candles, they can recall every groove and stripe and every speck of dust the could see daintily falling down, visible from the golden rays of sunlight washing through the windows. They remember the sole one on the first birthday's cake was red. On the second, the one on the left was purple, and the one on the right was blue. It smelled of lavender, and the father had left the TV on on the news channel. It was raining outside from their dainty little house on the second birthday, a light drizzle, compared to the sunny day of the first.

By the 4th birthday, the father is gone. Dead, in a car crash. They didn't understand it at the time. © did.
But the ©'s- boy's - life goes on. And on.

8th birthday, rolls by. The boy is happy at school despite everything. In fact, he's a prodigy in academia, head of the football team. He has friends named John and Sam and Elariel and Pol.

"How many lives like this have you ruined already?" says Pol, one day.

Then Pol disappears from the memory, replaced with one Vanessa. Pol was there, and yet they are not anymore. They never were in this memory. Though they saw Pol themselves one day, flying through the sky.

10th birthday is Mike's biggest party yet. He's overwhelmed, but feels an incredible adrenaline rush. He breaks an arm during the go-karting festivities, but that's ok.
13th birthday, no one comes by. Though, to be fair, an earthquake had just happened, so everyone was either too busy to come or was hospitalised. His mom had to work overtime.
14th and 15th years roll by; the boy's future begins to show itself. The boy feels stress, but prepares and prepares. For the day he becomes an adult and gets to contribute to the world, just like his father did.

16th birthday, the boy's life is cut tragically short in a car crash.

The © gasps awake as the boy's life ends. As if finally surfacing from a 16 year long dunk in the pool. Was it 16 years or was it a split second? It doesn't seem to matter. They vividly remember all 16 years Pol just showed to them, and already their mind is slow to keep up with the -

Again they wake up. This time, a young fox girl. © may start to know the rhythm now from their past two lives...or one. Depends on what their original life was like

From a young age they reached for a toy sword during some odd Xianzhou custom, wherein a variety of trinkets was presented before them. Their name was Delia, a habitant of the Xianzhou Luofu. A planet of a spaceship.
And the sword they picked up was prophetic of what they grew up to be.

Within 20 years they became a cloud knight, a soldier who fought for their planet and ship. Blood and sweat, tears. Already they lived a longer life than Mike. How long until this ends, they may be wondering.
Delia had friends too. ©, despite not being either Mike or Delia, may begin to struggle differentiating themselves from these people. They know who they are, and yet they're just ©, fighting for...something. They're already starting to forget.

20 years turns into a couple of decades. Filled with hardship, hard battles against the forces of an eldritch entity the Xianzhou Alliance, of which the Luofu is a part of, is sworn to hunt down and kill: The Abundance.
© might not care about this cause. Delia does. And © would understand the feeling perfectly, remember every quick beat of their heart, every swell of determination. Every heart ache every time one of their friends went down in battle against the Abundance's forces. Every scream echoing all around them in their dreams.

After 200 years they finish their military duties. They settle down and become a part of the Artisanship Commission on the Luofu, the home they always called home.

100 years later, they eventually die peacefully, of old age.

About 320 years now. Mike - Delia - No, they're © of Allegiance Torn, awakens back on the field again, disoriented and confused, unable to resist the Liht chains, unable to work their magic. 336 years of life flashed before their eyes. Every memory of this Mike and Delia they recall perfectly...despite how much their mind struggles to comprehend the information assault.
And Pol dunks them back in again. Two lives relived at once now, in parallel and at the same time. © of Allegiance Torn's mind has no trouble showing this to them like they're watching theatre. It's that easy; they barely even have to think or make choices. They're recalling, after all. In perfect detail.

Pol repeats this cycle on and on. Dazing the ©, making their magic less focused. So it can all be absorbed into the chains binding them down. A thousand years passes before them in a blink, and then a thousand more.
Pol smiles a simple smile like they just gave someone a nice little gift.
"..Don't mess with me, ok?"
Pol then looks towards the real ©.
"...Know that if I so chose to, I could rip your ©'s apart, over and over again. In the past I had to be careful, you know. But who knows what'll happen in this mad scenario, eh?"

The © of Allegiance Torn is dazed. And then a pink, white, and blue flash swoops by, picking them up in one smooth motion.
Mecha Kirby, decked out in a mecha suit with blue gauntlet fists and rectangular prism shaped boosters blasts through the sky, © of Allegiance Torn in hand. The chains glow and resonate, holding the ©'s power for them, no longer aimed at the Typography entities, information overload clouding the ©'s mind in a deep, dense ocean of memories of the past...memories their own mind struggles to comprehend and process, if only because they were just given thousands on thousands of years of experience in just a blink.

Kirby gut-punches the ©, electricity crackling through their body. Kirby combos him, a jab and a cross here, a straight and an uppercut into a tornado hook kick from his foot knocking him just into the sky. To be blasted full of fire mortars from the top of Kirby's boosters as the cannon on his back finishes charging, letting loose a wave motion gun of plasma, all these attacks' forces to be caught in the ©'s body. They are now an impromptu Vessel ©, which Kirby then lobs unceremoniously at the Chaos Morpho, © being chock full of lightning grenades.

The grenades go off as the © goes splat on the Chaos Morpho, the comical amounts of attacks being forcefully thrust out from their body to launch the chains formerly wrapping them up. And in an instant the ©'s own magic is expelled at the Chaos Morpho. Hell knows what it'll do, especially against a boss whose alignment is unlikely to be changeable. But it probably should do damage instead, the © of Allegiance Torn's action being redirected into the Chaos Morpho's face, with damage on top.


You prevent the © of Alleigance Torn from attacking this turn, and also deal 1,482,000 damage to the Chaos Morpho! O, H, and R are added to your TYPOGRAPHY!

tzaoray said:

I love these roads, I really do. I like the way they are decorated, I like the way they are built, and I like their practical functions. But I don't like that this The Car thing seems to be trying its best to outmanuever me in loving these roads. I love these roads better than you, you grotesque abomination! I prepare to- oh hey thats a nice road! A very nice road! It's a real shame that it's getting disrespected so hard by this abominable The Car. I try again to fight for the roads honor, but The Car once again, oh hey nice road, tricks me into thinking that everything is completely alright and I can continue loving the road as usual, but its not alright! THIS ROAD IS BEING ABUSED I TELL YOU! THIS THE CAR DOES NOT DESERVE IT! I summon Sans and tell him to go teach that The Car or just Car thing a lesson.

Action: I stab the Defender of Dreams with a stake that went into a depression after it realized that its whole purpose was to be used by higher lifeforms. Though I don't think its dreams are entirely dead as its still got its job as a defender of you know what. However, I don't think it has ever considered that nothing kills hopes and dreams more than an eviction notice. So with the help of a physics defying trolley that I pulled from my physics defying pockets, I bury the DoD with mountains of eviction notices that all state that the DoD has been evicted from its position as the Essence of Dreams hypeman. I don't think thats how eviction notices actually work, but realism and true facts are for children. And speaking of children, large malaria infecting mosquitos ruined my childhood dreams so I dump ripped bags full of these scary sh*ts on the pile of notices. Someones gotta share my childhood pain.

You summon a Sans!

You utterly eviscerate the Defender of Dreams! Well, as much as you can when nothing's able to die. Talk about overkill...

DreadKnight22 said:

Mischief disregards the words spoken by ©, as literally none of that applies to him. He's only 'summoned' one entity, one who wished to aid him, and has spent all of his time ensuring that the Void Given Focus stays alive both during and after this conflict.

[Main Actions]
Mischief uses all of his abilities to once again block the Light Against the Darkness, as well as attempting to run interference on all attacks made against the Void Given Focus.
The Pipis Cannon is fired, a Pipis with a dunce cap being discharged and focusing upon the Chaos Morpho.

[Entity Actions]
The Void Given Focus tests his new Pure Nail upon The Crown, carving into it with a flurry of blows.

[Charge] [470/400] Pure Nail Forging

Finally, the necessary charge has been accumulated, and the forging may now begin.

With that, a flurry of motion is seen near the accumulated pieces given to Mischief as they are prepped. The forges are lit and heated, the fabricators switched online. A series of portals open up, discharging a frankly absurd amount of Pale Ore as well as the Nailsmith, called out of his blissful retirement to once again forge the greatest weapon possible. The block fabricator fires out a number of armor blocks, which fuse together into an anvil for the Nailsmith's use. Finally, work begins.

The Pale Ore is heated, piece by piece, in the forges. The Nailsmith waits, listening to the sound of the metal, before determining when it is done, taking it out of the forge and placing it upon the anvil. Clangs ring out as the Nailsmith brings his hammer down upon the heated metal, shaping it into the form desired. Hours pass in the span of an instant as the ore is struck again, and again, and again, in the rhythm that could almost be described as musical, until the Nailsmith is blinded by a flash of light from the metal. Gleaming and lustrous, and at the same time hot enough to melt most things with a touch, the Pure Nail's forging is declared finally complete by the Nailsmith.

The Pure Nail is brought to the fountain filled entirely with liquid Void, where it is thrust into the fountain to quench it. The now cooled Nail is brought to the saw blade atop the reactor and ground against the saw. The screech of metal upon metal rings out as the blades are ground against each other again and again, until finally the air is blissfully silent once more.

The Nailsmith takes one look at the now finished Pure Nail, and moves towards the Void Given Focus. He kneels before the King of the Void, lifting the blade before him. The Void Given Focus slowly reaches down, almost cautiously, before finally grasping the Pure Nail in one of his hands. Lost in memories, the Pure Nail is swing through the air in a pattern that appears constructed from remembrance of the past. A moment passes with a hushed breath, before the Void Given Focus nods at the Nailsmith, who stands and moves through a portal to head back home.

The Radiance with a Gun is perfectly countered by The Hollow Knight with a Gun.

+48 is offered to Krill13 in the form of a shipment of Nails, sharpened and prepared not by the Nailsmith but by other smiths.

Another +48 is offered to Robot # 207 in the form of a continuously refilling

Void Fountain, useful for a number of applications.

+32 is offered to any Adventurer who wishes to take it, aside from © and tzaoray. (Given to Pol)

pipis fired! You will block incoming damage to the Void Given Focus this turn!

Void Given Focus upgraded!

The_Nonexistent_Tazz said:

[ CHARGE: Goldeneye - 320 / 320 ]
+64 from DragonAegis


"The Sleuth(?) turns to Heather, having completed a charge of what-goes-for-adequate size in this day and age. 'Heather, you may want one more thing before the transformation completes,' The Sleuth(?) says."

"W-What?! Why didn't you give it to me earlier?!"

"The Sleuth(?)'s eyes roll as Heather, still gripping with a transformation she did not ask for, asks why she may not desire another. While she has no way of knowing this, she is also unaware of the laws of Charge and the necessity of obtaining a sufficient volume over time. "You-"

"No no no, I get it, I get it!" Heather asks. "OK, what is it then? What are you offering?"

"The Sleuth(?) is utterly unsurprised at the apparent mind-reading, simply too hard-boiled to care. 'A mark of protection of sorts. An important cultural invincibility. Also, an incredibly interesting and dare I say breathtaking form of power that is unusually exclusive, if not entirely impossible to attain naturally. Alteration is painless and can be subtle given some direction,' The Sleuth(?) says. 'Eye-based, extremely enhanced perception with several alternate sensors, capable of filtering in and out as appropriate, and some bodily control in that area. No eye lasers. May take experience but has some in-built safeties, has no noteworthy side-effects. Will require some minor brain chemistry edits to be safe but should not impact the rest of your cognition negatively. What do you say?'"

Most people, in hearing this suspicious offer from a shady, smug, possibly-insane """Sleuth(?)""", would probably reject it on principle. Especially after glancing contact with a 'Pikachu suit' landed her squarely into a permanent, slow transformation into an electric rodent and an extended fight to the death against an endless parade of jerks, and also Norm.


She's being offered power.

Then again, her suit is powerful, undeniably, and it's kind of scaring her.

"Could you take it away, if I don't want it?"
"'That may have implications where you are going. But yes, unlike with the suit I can remove it if desired, immediately if necessary.'"

That is. A considerably more tempting offer.

Or maybe, she just wants it. Wants to be more.

And it's not as if she's being forced into it.

And this is, as mentioned, a warzone, with a particularly terrifying eldritch god tormenting the group. No time to be picky.

"Hit me up-"

The Sleuth(?) taps Heather's left eyelid.

"The Sleuth(?) ponders why Heather hasn't opened her eyes yet and instead opts to continue cringing. Rhetorically. The Sleuth(?) knows exactly why she is doing this. There is no question."

"I... What was that?" Heather says, opening her right eye.

"'A safe way to deal with the necessary edits in cognition to safely parse the new information you will receive,' The Sleuth(?) explains."

"What does-"

Heather opening her left eye.

In truth, one does not see a can, when you look at a can-you perceive a mental image of a can based upon refracted light. Strictly speaking, this act is considered seeing the can. But one does not truly see every facet of the can. They only see what the eye perceives of it. And such with the other five senses. In a sense, everything perceived is an illusion-if an incredibly accurate illusion that is fundamentally based upon the truth. Like a very mild form of eldritch incomprehensibility as a baseline. Of course, this is why it is beneficial to have two eyes-the simultaneous view of perception enables one to see an object from two different angles, getting a far stronger perception of the item, especially in relationship to other items, than just one alone could.

Heather keeps opening her left eye.

And keeps opening it. And keeps opening it. And keeps opening it. Heather sees the back of her head. Heather sees the back of everyone's heads, at once. And the front of their heads. Heather sees the entire area, at every angle, at once, a dizzying array of color and light and motion and sound. She can see the sound, echoing around and hitting her two ears. She can see the heat, and through their bones, and more, all at once, in a sight-like sense she can't describe but can understand perfectly, or at least enough to live with.

More than that - she sees weakneses, vibrant points of unobscuring light dotted about on every surface, where to attack so as to do the most damage, to hit what would evade her or block her at full force. She sees strategies and ideas and tricks-false images of the battle played out in her eye's mind, instinctive patterns of motion that would void any advantage, so long as she could execute upon them.

Heather can see herself. Heather hasn't looked in a mirror once, and knows she's shrunk and the suit's gotten tighter-but only now she's realized that she looks astonishingly like a Pikachu in this moment, how suddenly alive her 'costume' is on her skin. She is more costume than person. It's not a costume-it's the flesh of a Pikachu. Her human lips, barely visible over the 'mouth,' look completely uncanny now. And she sees her own left eye-she sees...

"... Real classy."

She sees it has turned perfectly gold, just like her questionable savior.

"The Sleuth(?) chuckles to themselves," The Sleuth(?) says, distinctly not chuckling. "'Were you expecting something else,' The Sleuth(?) not-questions. 'It'll make sense soon enough.'"

Of course.

Heather has received an upgrade. She is now very good at seeing things. All things. At once.

Heather's attacks now negate every single defensive passive there is, similar to The Idea. This includes bodyguarding-Heather can attack any entity and any HP bar of that entity she desires. In addition, she gains a 50% chance to score a critical hit per attack, with any crit being a 3x damage multiplier. This applies *after* Volt Tackle, if it activates.

This golden eye can also be used for defense. It doesn't improve her actual dodge chance-instead, once per round she can negate an attack that would have killed her, surviving at 1 HP. Her HP prior to that lethal attack is irrelevant, even if it is 1-she will always survive... As long as she is not then immediately followed-up. This can allow her to survive multiple fatal blows without taking damage... Or it could be a minor inconvenience. Dodge triggers *before* this, as it obviously wouldn't have killed her if she dodged it-the attack must land and must be lethal to trigger this ability.

Any excess power is converted directly into her HP.

[ CHARGE: I Don't Wanna Stop - 160 / 320]
+128 from Robot, +32 from Pricey.


+32 to Alastair Dragovich
+32 to Crimtane Shovel
+32 to DragonAegis
+32 to Robot # 207


... What's that buzzing noise?

Nothing serious. That's just a fly. A lowly thing, freshly trapped on the nigh-invisible silk of a spider's web. A... Ludicriously huge spiderweb-the silk is still thin as ever, but it takes up nearly the whole room. <0>'s endless fire seems reluctant to even approach the strands of web.

Perhaps that's why the room is also getting darker and darker, especially as one looks at the web. Quieter, too. Stiller.

That isn't the case of course. Heather, [Billions of Names at Once] and Mischief, either by enhanced eyesight or special appreciation for darkness, sees the 'darkness' for what it actually is: a sort of anti-perception. Which is still, visibly, like darkness, but is obviously different from mere absense of light. It's meant to conceal. For the former two, it parts further as their vision demands, revealing a summonings within the fringes.

"Is this 'Adventure' thing supposed to be hyper-dramatic?" Heather thinks as she watches something... Crawl out of it. Heather is hardly an Entomologist but is somewhat more fascinated by what she's seeing. She knows its irrational but a subconscious feeling tells her that this isn't something to freak out at-mostly because it's not bothered with her. Therefore, she simply watches the emergeance.

What comes out of the summoning is simply a lot of legs. Not just two or four or eight or eighty hundred-millions of spindly legs, each thin as wire, reach out, slowly and deliberately, ignoring the chaos of the fight surely as much as the rest of the fight is trying its best to ignore it.

Of course, for those unable to see past the induced concealent, all they get is a sense that the web is vibrating-and not from the frenzied struggle of the lone fly. From the edges-from the masking darkness. Something they can't see. Shapeless and formless to their mind's eye. And to those who could see...

"Where's the rest of it?"

Heather's mental question goes unanswered. The spider's limbs just *barely* reach out of the enforced concealment-for those who couldn't see like she could, it would doubtless be little more than the viewing of a single thin wiry black leg poking out of nowhere at the very edges of their vision, if that. And then a few more-too cautious to leave. The fly's struggle turns into a frenzy. It's trying to get loose. It knows what's going to happen if it can't get loose. It doesn't know it's already too late.

There is a very brief pause. A quiet moment. A dreadful, tense, harrowing second, broken only by the fly's desperate attempt to fly away from its prison.

The millions of legs nigh-instantly converge in a blur of motion around the fly and snatch it-retreating back into the anti-perception, and back into whatever unholy dimension the million-legged 'spider' came from, leaving behind the web. The darkness recedes and the fire suddenly decides the web isn't so scary and burns it to fine ash in less than a second.

"Well, that was pointlessly creepy... Wait, where'd the PokeBall Curse go-"

Heather is answered by reality glitching out-and the PokeBall curse reappearing with several massive spiderbites gouged out of it.

"The Sleuth(?) whistles, smugly, in the most transparent attempt at denying relationship to any of these events they could, as their own ironic little joke."


Heather continues smacking the PokeBall curse, assuming it is not at 1 HP *and* she cannot kill it.. Her newest ability may consider LAST's death prevention a nonfactor and allow her to score a kill through it, but if that is not the case, or it somehow already died, she will smack the Chaos Morpho directly. If she is somehow able to do so, she'll activate Discard Humanity. (Well, it's not like it's quite her choice...)

Pizzahead attacks the PokeBall Curse, or if that is at 1 HP/Gone, the Chaos Morpho.


It's not very effective on The Pokéball.

You deal 482,499 damage to The Pokéball and 200,000 damage to the Chaos Morpho!

Toby Faux said:

"Now that i've felt this power..."

"Letting it go to waste would be a dissapointment'

"I'll make you regret taking my power!"

Toby gathers all the energy he has stored, all 384 charges, and fires an incomprehensively large beam of energy at the Chaos Morpho

Collapsing to the ground, Toby silently wonders if channeling all this ever-increasing power at once would be good in the long-term, even if it is used to obliterate his foes now.

"I better stick to summons for now"
+64 to someone
+ 64 to someone else

You throw a massive ball of pure obliteration at the Chaos Morpho! You deal 3,000,000 damage!

Pricey12345 said:

RP/Action: Crossroads of Destiny Act 3: <![if !ie]> Macro <![endif]> and the Cursed Pen

Post-Chapter 6 Revolving Gears: Sometime after the cog got destroyed both psychically on the Chaos Morpho's Zodiac and mentally in the mind, the former owner scientist was laying down on the ground without the cog and slowly dying as my mech suit was automatically removed before the former owner looks at me with a smile

Chaos owner scientist: Well, you finally found the piece for your own legacy and you will remember this time, the Morpho will and always be existed... Your destiny awaits when I passed away and you will see your legacy. <![if !ie]> Chaos awaits... <![endif]>

As the former owner scientist fades away into dust, the pedestal appears near me as well as the blue and orange gear already attached on the device with the bottom side being vacant before I put the device on the pedestal which makes the world gone dark with five coloured gears appearing above me which are a small indigo gear, a big salmon pink gear, the very small white gear, the grey gear and a gear that changes colour from red, grey or blue.

<![if !ie]> "You will pick your own gear what you want to choose but you will only pick one gear and all of those will affect your legacy." <![endif]>

I chose the big salmon pink gear which the rest of the gears fades into darkness before it shrinks down as it lowers itself on the pedistal.

<![if !ie]> "You have chosen the <![endif]> <![if !ie]> Macro <![endif]> <![if !ie]> gear, are you sure about it?" <![endif]>

I put the salmon pink gear in the vacant spot before the device activates itself with the gears starts spinning

<![if !ie]> "After your gear has been chosen, you will wake up with a new destiny." <![endif]>

As the screen gone fuzzy moments after I picked my destiny with a brief shot of the chaos fire dragon covering the entire screen with it's face and eyes before the screen turned off as I wake up from the coma with the higher up doctor presenting me with the similar device which I had in the simulation before I take the device and insert the device into my Switcherbot and as I activated the mechanism, the tool starts shaking wildly before it flung itself off of my hand on the ground, turning back with strange crow noises, permanently transforming into a enlarged black pen with an crow topper coming out of the top of the pen before it caws before the pen stopped moving before the pen starts shaking as it releases a beast which is a crow-like dragon which is black like night, having a scales that symbolises justice on it's neck and a lantern hanging out from it's tail before it looks at me.

<![if !ie]> "You released me from the prison that was held in one of the five gears and I was one of the Beasts of the Gears after worshippers imprisoned us in each gear and now you will receive the power and the curse." <![endif]>

The crow-like dragon opens it's wings, the room temporarily darkens even from the presence of the Chaos Morpho and stands up while flying on one of the completely burned out trees with very loud and distorted caws with it's wings flapping and the white and black lightning bolt strikes me, giving me the power of the planning but cursed me into not charging at all.

<![if !ie]> "I've blessed you with the power of planning that can make your monsters and once you've planned more, the stronger your monsters is however, you're cursed and you won't be able to charge at all and I'm already hungry after being trapped in that gear for generations however I will give you a nice little present." <![endif]>

The crow-like dragon used strange and unknown energy from the palms, summoning the planning desk themed after darkness, crows and monsters which the higher up doctor got concerned about the beast's unknown power before the crow-like dragon hears strange and ominous rumbles on it's belly before it flies off somewhere around the room for one of the feasts.

I sit on the desk and start writing down plans about strong mechanicals and beasts which helps my planning thrive and back to the main Genny Robotics facility, the entire staff team were reshuffled with the establishment of the planning office however some of the military division members contacted staff about some more secrets they've found along the war and they got the invite papers for the Mechanical Alliance

Due to the Macro destiny, I cannot charge except handing out charges and receiving charges

Project 2

/A larger car: 128+272=400/400 (+20 from JOE, +32 from Pol, +64 from Toby, +64 from Billions of Names & +96 from Core Block)

Research engineer: Due to many changes in our facilities with the staff changing around, we've got a nice present for one of them.

The barracks opened up and a larger armed and armoured car drives out of the barracks and rushing through the portal just to contain the tiny car.

The larger car is a armed and armoured vehicle that will contain the tiny car for both protection and power and it has higher health and average damage with some damage reduction for this vehicle which is specially made for Core Block.

The replica Genny Robotics fires an electrified water blast at the Chaos Morpho and the blaster warrior robot also fires a beam at the Chaos Morpho and the larger car contains the tiny car effective imminently after being made

The investment and programming divisions delivers a +32 to Tazz (The_Nonexistent_Tazz) with a invitation paper for the Mechanical Alliance following by +64 for Billions of names at once (Krill13) via the invitation paper for the Mechanical Alliance with parts for the Process and +32 to Core Block (Robot # 207) with some special reinforcement materials and a invitation paper for the Mechanical Alliance

Charge Bank: +162 from JOE and +32 from Tazz
Total charge in bank: 194

You generate an additional 272 PLANNING!

Armored Car summoned and given to the Core Block! Due to hardware incompatibilities, it won't be able to control this one directly...

FastoDash said:

[384/384 + 128 Mana]

Fasto calls out spikes of water, spearing the Crown and wrapping them in a knot of water around Pokemon Showdown Salt. The tide crashes over them, then returns the other way, only to do it again. The tide repeats this, faster and faster, eroding away the salt and curse.

Fasto snaps a picture of the Crown.

The Memory of a Regent attacks whatever <0> entities it can.
The World's Smallest Lions distract Pokemon Showdown Salt.

... [0/???]
+128 to anyone on the condition that they put it into the Regent's HP.

You wash away The Crown and Pokémon Showdown Salt, bringing them both to 1 HP!

You snap a picture of The Crown! This doesn't kill it, but you do get a nice card! ...How does that work...

Alastair Dragovich said:


Current Snippet is from - Duel between Morpho and the Knight! (Gun Down the False Past Album):
Morpho blight!
I'm the knight...
I own your life!
(Thanks to copyri-hight!)

That is right-
I'll end your striiiiiiiife!

All those years...
Of my life for others
- Family plus -
Lost - gone down the drain!

But with this cash
I thought I could
buy your song
buy your life
and so I did so!

How does it feel
to be on
the other side of this game!?

Now it's your choice!
You can give up
whatever power
that's left my life scoured!

(I'll make you feel)
(all the pain that)
(you've forced me to see!)

Now you break
your hold over
the ones stole
all for me-

Wait what's that
Symbol of power?

Shatter that
to free the
ones devoured-

I've got you now
to go to town
on your souuuuulllll!!!!

You're Morpho...



Entity Orders Actions (+ Charge & Item stuff):

Melina doesn't miss a beat as Chaos Morpho sweats vigorously and gives up a portion of the Microphone' power in exchange for the Copyright to not be used against it. The instant the Microphone is exposed she unleashes powerful volley of punches as fast as she can, making sure it'll die as soon as whatever special effect is in places stops. The Elevator Radio and Cool Lights, meanwhile bother the Pokemon Showdown Salt! It seems the only thing they hate more than violence is toxic gamer rage, who knew?
135 -77 = 58
128 - 58 = 70
135/135 - "Chill Out" "Refreshments" - COMPLETE

The Legal Marjuana Stand has now opened! This will reduce the pain entities feel and give them a nice buzz, allowing them to stay in the fight a bit longer! In other words, it's a healing entity! This is a Neutral Entity with the same biases as the Seating.

Now everything is set... except for the Stage!

166/170 - The Stage!

+64 Charge to DragonAegis
+32 Charge to The_Nonexistent_Tazz
And +32 Charge to Banana_The_Second

The lyrics follows the main guitar lead and the synth from 1:40 to 3:00


You deal 999,999 damage to The Microphone, then an additional 999,999 damage to the Chaos Morpho! And then 1 more damage on top of that, because the baker's just so generous. What do you mean that wasn't funny.

The Legal Marijuana Stand summoned! A swarm of passing lawyers stamps it with "NOTICE: Smoking can be hazardous to your health." Fortunately, the opposite seems to be true in this case.

JOEbobobob said:

128/128 |-||* +128 (|*057 1,181)
|-||* 70 |-||* 0'|‾393|\|7.

Memory of a Regent upgraded!


The pupil of the Chaos Morpho's eye suddenly emerges and begins floating around independently of the Morpho itself! It stares down at the various entities, and then it fires vortexes of fire at some of them! Much of the attack is prevented by Mischief and [REDACTED PER PROTOCOL 4000-ESHU], but not all of it! SOUL of the SUPREME GUARDIANS takes 1,000,000 damage! The Core Vehicle takes 2,000,000 damage! THE CULMINATION OF MY BEING takes 500,000 damage! Budge loses 300,000 HP from all four healthbars! [REDACTED PER PROTOCOL 4000-ESHU] takes 1,000,000 damage!

The pupil of the Chaos Morpho's eye returns to the full eye, but not before leaving behind a single drop of lava. The drop blooms into a wild fire, and it just keeps expanding... within the fire, glimpses of the past can be seen. But not just any past; the glimpses are all burning libraries across time and space, converging in a single location. The nightmare of any bibliophile, not to mention the nightmare of anyone trying to keep order in the multiverse.

The Light in the Darkness does not attack, as it is stunned! Pokémon Showdown Salt attacks Heather, but Heather miraculously dodges! The chat is immediately filled up with "lucky idiot noob" and other such insulting epithets. The Violences and Begetses Violence start to attack, but are driven off by quick-acting STAGE LIGHTS, since their original target completely missed. The Variable Entity fails to summon anythng! the disgraced moths attack sans, but they only deal three thousand damage.

Sans attacks The Car, dealing 10,000 damage!

Fiish, Feesh, Foosh, and THE ROD pull the Shadow Pawn up some more spaces! The Essence of Dreams spawns a Defender of Dreams! The summoned entities idle in absence of orders!

The Void Given Focus attacks the Chaos Morpho, dealing 490,000 damage!

The SOUL of the SUPREME GUARDIANS attacks the Chaos Morpho, dealing 25,000 damage! It also applies 320,000 Morale to one of the DEES! ACE attacks the Chaos Morpho with Morale from KING, dealing 225,000 damage! PRIME generates more Power! V2 attacks the Chaos Morpho, dealing 100,000 damage! The DEES frantically work to fix up V2's rocket launcher!

The Bomber Plane tries to attack the Light in the Darkness but finds its armor to be too powerful! The Armored Car rams into the Chaos Morpho, dealing 100,000 damage!

The Relic Bearer gives Good History to the Void Given Focus! The Artificer Degree Two transforms the Drop of Rejuvenation into a Flood of Rejuvenation!

THE CULMINATION OF MY BEING attacks the Chaos Morpho, dealing 150,000 damage! The Stasis Array stuns the Light In The Darkness!

The World's Smallest Pride of Lions applies 35,000 DISTRACTION to the Chaos Morpho! The Memory of a Regent deals 150,000 damage to the Chaos Morpho!

THE GROUPIE attacks the Chaos Morpho, dealing 150,000 damage! The ELEVATOR RADIO applies 5,000 Distraction to the Choas Morpho! The Ample Seating, Refreshments Stand, and Legal Marijuana Stand are unable to provide their services due to a delay on the I-95, apparently caused by "bile of oryx." But what do gazelles have to do with anything? The good news is that this means the Ample Seating gets its Good History a bit longer.

Heather attacks the Chaos Morpho twice, critting once and dealing 200,000 damage! Pizzahead and The Noise attack the Chaos Morpho, dealing 170,000 damage!

Genny Robotics and the Blaster Warrior Robot attack the Chaos Morpho, dealing 110,000 damage!

THE FALLEN MOTHPIRE TAKES A TEN THOUSAND HP-SIZED CHUNK OUT OF THE CHAOS MORPHO. The Idea puts its power into the Tree of Will! The Process moves the Shadow Pawn and downloads more RAM! It distributes various buffs to its allies! The Creator gains some Creation! The Tree of Will gains some HP! A Puppy and an Animated Bespectacled Mannequin gain some Attack! The Creator creates a Tiny Man! A Puppy and an Animated Bespectacled Mannequin put their power into the Tree of Will! The Bingus Bungus Mecha Mark II! puts its Attack into the Tree of Will!

LAST ticks over, and its protection lifts! The atmosphere becomes very tense...


Aspera [GM]: 2/50 HP, Godmodder


AG: Destroy Aspera!
AG: Defeat the Chaos Morpho!

N: Seek out your personal objectives.
N: Defeat or assist the Chaos Morpho!

PG: Protect Aspera!
PG: Defeat the Chaos Morpho!


CHAOS REIGNS: Caused by the presence of the Chaos Morpho. The Chaos Morpho ignores bodyguarding, Dodge, Armor, and Damage Reduction. The Chaos Morpho's entities do not.
The Twilight Zone: A land whose boundaries are only that of imagination. Creativity bonuses are higher, but side effects may occur. Fleeting.

Morale: If Morale is equal to the affected entity's Attack and Healing combined, that entity immediately acts again after acting (and advances its cooldowns), and that much Morale is lost. Can trigger multiple times in one turn. Entities with special abilities may need more Morale, applied at my discretion.
Defiance: When a status effect is applied to an entity with Defiance, it loses Defiance and that effect is cleansed. Approximately 1:1 effectiveness on Decay, 1:5 effectiveness on Stun, and similar levels of effectiveness depending on effect severity for all other effects.

Decay: Deals damage at the end of each turn until it's dispelled or the afflicted entity dies. Can be dispelled by actions.
Stun: If Stun is equal to the afflicted entity's current HP, all Stun is removed and that entity does not act or reduce cooldowns this turn.
Bleed: Deals damage at the end of each turn. If Bleeding is not applied on a given turn to the afflicted entity, it is dispelled entirely after the entity takes damage.
Fear: The afflicted entity deals reduced damage each turn equal to total Fear. If the entity has more than one attack, this effect still only applies once, although it can apply to more than one attack if it is higher than the damage dealt by one of the attacks.
Distraction: The afflicted entity deals reduced damage each turn equal to total Distraction. If Distraction is not applied on a given turn to the afflicted entity, it is dispelled entirely after the entity attacks.
Insanity: Each turn, the entity has a random chance, based on the total amount of Insanity and that entity's Attack, to attack an allied entity instead of its intended target.


Chaos Morpho

[<0>]: HP: 35,120,000/50,000,000, ACCURSED, VENGEFUL, INESCAPABLE, Distraction: 37,500

ACCURSED: The Chaos Morpho has inflicted twelve Adventurers with Curses, which interfere with those Adventurers' Destinies, and may cause them to act strangely. Curses can be dispelled by destroying their physical representations on the Chaos Morpho's zodiac. In addition, all Adventurers inflicted with a Curse cannot attack any Curses other than their own.
VENGEFUL: Each turn, the Chaos Morpho will spawn a Vengeance, an entity that seeks to work against the abilities of a specific Adventurer.
INESCAPABLE: Despite not having an HP point to seal the floor with, the Chaos Morpho is preventing any attempts to leave the room. Additionally, the Chaos Morpho counts as a boss.

WARNING: These are not the Chaos Morpho's only abilities.

The Glove [<0>]: HP: 2,000,000/3,000,000
The Notebook [<0>]: HP: 2,000,000/3,000,000
The Car [<0>]: HP: 1,990,000/3,000,000
The Pokéball [<0>]: HP: 1/3,000,000
The Crown [<0>]: HP: 1/3,000,000
The Microphone [<0>]: HP: 1/3,000,000​

The Light In The Darkness, Vengeance Against Mischief [<0>]: HP: 500,000/1,500,000, Armor: 640,000, Attack: 100,000, Inescapable Light: Ignores Dodge, Disassociation: Entities hit by The Light In The Darkness lose all resources (e.g. Focus, Power, etc); Purge The Void: Entities hit by The Light In The Darkness take 1,000,000 additional damage if they are made of darkness, Stun: 500,000
Pokémon Showdown Salt, Vengeance Against Tazz [<0>]: HP: 1/2,520,000, Attack: 252,000, "Balanced" Hackmon: Has the ability Wonder Guard, Highly Toxic: Entities that attack Pokémon Showdown Salt receive Decay equal to damage dealt, Baton Pass: When an entity dies, Pokémon Showdown Salt gains Attack equal to that entity's Attack, Distraction: 40,000
Alexandria's Fire, Vengeance Against Pol and Kirby [<0>]: HP: 0/2,000,000 (+200,000/turn), Attack: Equal to current HP, Bookburner: Gains max HP if targeted by any player or entity related to history; Unstable Fire: Instead of dying at 0 HP, dies at max HP, and can be targeted by any player or entity's healing effects; Everburning: Immune to negative Status Effects, e.g. Stun

Violence [<0>](x5): HP: 10,000/10,000(x2), Attack: 2,500, summons 1 Begets Violence per turn
Begets Violence [<0>](x17): HP: 1,000/1,000(x7), Attack: 1,000
Variable Entity [<0>]: HP: 0/300,000 (can be sacrificed to spawn 1 Moth (600 HP, 100 Attack, invades the afterlife on death, Crowd) per 5,000 HP sacrificed) + 0/405,000 (spawns a Variable Pizza every 2,500 HP lost) + 195,000/195,000 (Dodge: 50%) + 0/250,000 (Sues any entity that damages it), 0/1,205,000, Regeneration: 1,000 per healthbar, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn, Attack: 12,500 (II), EXPLOSION TAGS: 0, Current Form: PizzasMcPizzas Storefront (OPEN), Cab Ejector: Armed, Painful Healing: Attacking entities may choose to instead heal the Variable Entity, Safety Net: IF THE THIRD OR FOURTH RULES OF MASTER THIEVERY ARE BROKEN, THIS ENTITY WILL SUFFER IN THE PLACE OF THE OFFENDING MASTER THIEF

Cake Guy's Cake: Spawn a Cake entity worth 0.5 Charge. Also spawn a BIACAR (does not apply to copies of this entity). Additionally (on this entity only and not any copies), if this form is taken at the end of the turn, at the start of the next turn ANY PLAYER may use their action to bake a cake which scales in power with their action power. If a large number of people bake cakes at once, the Variable Entity may take damage from fatigue. This will never kill it.
MOTH PALADIN NOVICE: Generate 8,000 EXPLOSION TAGS. 1,000 Attack. 1,000 Healing.
PizzasMcPizzas Storefront: 30% chance to spawn a Pizza entity worth 1.5 Charge. Additionally (on this entity only and not any copies), if this form is taken at the end of the turn, at the start of the next turn ANY PLAYER may use their action to order a pizza which scales in power with their action power. If a large number of people order pizza at once, the Variable Entity may take damage from fatigue. This will never kill it.

Moths [<0>](x60): HP: 600/600(x60), Attack: 100, invades afterlife on death

Sans [PG]: HP: 7,000/10,000, Attack: 5,000, Dodge: 75%, Dodge Exhaustion

Fiish [©]: HP: 5,000/5,000, can operate THE ROD, Schooling: Even more effective if all three Fish are alive; Fish
Feesh [©]: HP: 5,000/5,000, can operate THE ROD, Schooling: Even more effective if all three Fish are alive; Fish
Foosh [©]: HP: 5,000/5,000, can operate THE ROD, Schooling: Even more effective if all three Fish are alive; Fish
THE ROD [©]: HP: 5,000/5,000, Obscurity, Pull: Move any entity up by up to 3 spaces, is affected by that entity's movement restrictions
Essence Of Dreams [©]: HP: 1,000,000/1,000,000, Call Form, Dying Dream

Call Form: Summons one of three entities:

Defender of Dreams: 50,000 HP, 25,000 Armor. When spawned, gains a Lifelink to any one entity, causing it to take damage in that entity's place if that entity would die when attacked. (This Lifelink cannot be changed, and defaults to linking to the Essence of Dreams if an entity isn't specified.)
Warrior of Dreams: 60,000 HP, 15,000 Attack.
Repairer of Dreams: 60,000 HP, 15,000 Healing.​

Dying Dream: On death, Essence of Dreams spawns one of each type of entity that can be summoned by Call Form.

Defender of Dreams [©]: HP: 1/50,000, Armor: 25,000, Lifelink: Essence of Dreams
Defender of Dreams [©]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Armor: 25,000, Lifelink: Chaos Morpho
Waddle Doo [©]: HP: 25,000/25,000, Attack: 15,000
Astrageldon Slime [©]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Attack: 50,000
Bile of Oryx [©]: HP: 3,000/3,000, other entities are harder to counter, no entities can heal
Build-A-Bloon [©]: HP: 1,000/1,000, Attack: 500, Spawns 2 Pink Bloons on death
© of Alliegance Torn: HP: 333/333, Allegiance-Tearing: Targeted entities may attack their allies this turn

pipis [Mischief - AG]: HP: 20,000/20,000, will deal 50,000 damage to the Chaos Morpho next turn
Void Given Focus [Mischief - AG]: HP: 645,000/675,000, Dodge: 50%, Attack: 70,000x7, attacks ignore Armor, Focus: 610,000 (+10,000/turn); Can choose to not attack to gain an additional 490,000 Focus; Focus may be spent to strengthen one of the Void Given Focus's attacks for the turn, and is also spent as Deathrattle when Void Given Focus dies, History of Focus: For the next 3 turns, the Void Given Focus's Focus cannot be decreased (unless spent)

SOUL of the SUPREME GUARDIANS [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 100,000/1,100,000, Attack: 25,000, Applies 320,000 Morale and/or Defiance divided between any number of allies
ACE [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 2,500/40,000, Dodge: 50%, Attack: 75,000, Morale: 70,000
PRIME [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 2,500/250,000, Attack: 50,000, Power: 110,000 (+30,000/turn); Can choose not to attack to gain an additional 50,000 Power; Power may be spent to strengthen PRIME's attack for the turn
V2 [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 507,500/507,500 (Dodge: 75%) + 0/900,000, Attack: 100,000 + 750,000 (III), Cannon Shot: III, will take less damage from the next successful hit
DEE [Pol and Kirby - AG](x2): HP: 2,500/200,000(x2), does tasks
A Statue [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 2,500/1,000,000, Obscurity, DIVINITY: III
KING [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 2,500/440,000, applies 200,000 Morale to an ally
TEND [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 2,500/300,000, Healing: 125,000

Core Vehicle [Core Block - AG]: HP: 1,000,000/3,000,000, 600,000/600,000 (+100,000/turn), Attack: 300,000, Core Carrier: If the Core Vehicle dies, the Core Block cannot take an action on the following turn
Heavy Artillery [Core Block - AG]: HP: 7,500/50,000, Attack: 12,500, Regeneration: 5,000, Cab Ejector: Armed
Medium Artillery [Core Block - AG]: HP: 5,000/25,000, Attack: 6,250, Regeneration: 2,500, Cab Ejector: Armed
Tiny Tank [Core Block - AG]: HP: 2,500/2,500, Attack: 1,250, Armor: 2,500
Medium Tank [Core Block - AG]: HP: 5,000/20,000, Attack: 5,000, Regeneration: 2,500, Armor: 5,000
Heavy Tank [Core Block - AG]: HP: 40,000/40,000, Attack: 10,000, Regeneration: 5,000, Armor: 10,000, Cab Ejector: Armed
Spider Tank [Core Block - AG]: HP: 5,000/20,000, Dodge: 20%, Armor: 2,500, Attack: 2,500, Regeneration: 2,500
Armored Car [Pricey12345 - AG]: HP: 1,000,000/1,000,000, Armor: 80,000, Attack: 100,000, Safeguard: Must be destroyed before the Tiny Car can be damaged
Tiny Car [Core Block - AG]: HP: 2,500/5,000, Attack: 51,250, Norm's Heart
Tiny Plane [Core Block - AG]: HP: 500/500, Attack: 1,250, Dodge: 90%
Fighter Plane [Core Block - AG]: HP: 3,500/5,000, Dodge: 75%, Regeneration: 1,000, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn, Attack: 7,500, Accuracy: 200%, Cab Ejector: Armed
Supply Truck [Core Block - AG]: HP: 2,500/20,000, Allies in Range 2 have +2,500 Attack, Speed: 4
Bomber Plane [Core Block - AG]: HP: 4,500/10,000, Dodge: 60%, Regeneration: 2,000, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn, Attack: 10,000, ignores armor, Cab Ejector: Inactive
Propeller Plane [Core Block - AG]: HP: 1,000/1,000, Dodge: 90%, Regeneration: 100, Attack: 2,500, Cab Ejector: Armed
Buggy [Core Block - AG]: HP: 3,500/10,000, Dodge: 75%, Dodge Exhaustion, Regeneration: 1,000, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn, Attack: 2,500, Cab Ejector: Armed
Shield Bubble Pillar [Core Block - AG]: HP: 15,000/15,000, Preventative Measures: 5,000
Repair Bubble Pillar [Core Block - AG]: HP: 15,000/15,000, Healing: 5,000 AoE
Formation Manager [Core Block - AG]: HP: 50,000/50,000, grants 5,000 Morale each turn
Repair Mech [Core Block - AG](x2): HP: 22,500/22,500(x2), Healing: 7,500, Status-Curing: 10,000, Regeneration: 2,500, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn, Cab Ejector: Armed (x2)
Loader Mech [Core Block - AG]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Buffs defensive or support stats, Cab Ejector: Armed
Shadow Pawn [Krill13 - N]: HP: 120,000/120,000, Speed: 3, will be promoted if it reaches the top of the Battlefield, much harder to forcibly move
Defense Mech [Core Block - AG]: HP: 3,500/25,000, Armor: 8,000, Regeneration: 1,000, Reaction Fire: 2,000
Command Mech [Core Block - AG]: HP: 2,500/70,000, Entities under Core Control have an additional 1,000 Armor for the turn, Cab Ejector: Armed
Guardian Mech [Core Block - AG]: HP: 4,500/50,000, Armor: 20,000, Regeneration: 2,000, Reaction Fire: 4,000, Cab Ejector: Armed
The Cube [Core Block - AG]: HP: 2,500/110,000
Auto-Expanding Base [Core Block - AG]: HP: 12,500/12,500 (+2,500/turn)
Armor Block Container [Core Block - AG](x2): HP: 2,500/5,000(x2), spawns an Armor Block for each 500 HP lost
Turret Block Container [Core Block - AG](x2): HP: 2,500/5,000(x2), spawns a Turret Block for each 500 HP lost
Turret Block [Core Block - AG](x12): HP: 500/500(x2), Attack: 250
Armor Block [Core Block - AG](x17): HP: 1,500/1,500(x17)

Some of the Core Block's machines come equipped with a Cab Ejector. If an entity with an Armed Cab Ejector reaches 0 HP, it will regain 100 HP and the Cab Ejector will become Inactive. While the Cab Ejector is Inactive, the entity has no abilities. When an entity with an Inactive Cab Ejector reaches max HP, the Cab Ejector will become Armed again and the entity will regain its abilities.

Arock, the Assembled Archivist [Tom Sawyer - AG]: HP: 250,000/250,000 (always depletes first, refills at end of round) + 1/1,000,000, Healing: 40,000 AoE, Protection: Absorbs half of damage taken by allied entities
The Relic Bearer [Tom Sawyer - AG]: HP: 22,500/160,000, Keeper of Histories: Can either debuff an entity by sapping their history or buff an entity by strengthening its history, lasts 3 turns; Obscurity: Easily missed and not likely to be attacked unless it has debuffed its attacker before
Artificer Degree Two [Tom Sawyer - AG]: HP: 92,500/670,000, Maker of Histories: Can consume items to upgrade entities or other items further

THE CULMINATION OF MY BEING [Toby - AG]: HP: 63,000/620,000, Attack: 150,000, Your Power: 600,000 (+50,000/turn, unleashed in a single powerful blow on death), Good History: Gains more Power for 1 more turn
Stasis Array [Toby - AG]: HP: 248,000/270,000, applies 500,000 Stun per turn

Budge, the Overloaded [Ian - AG]: HP: 100,000/400,000, 100,000/400,000, 100,000/400,000, 100,000/400,000, Damage Reduction: 10%, Regeneration: 20,000 per healthbar, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn, Attack: 30,000 per Healthbar above 50%, Debugging: Using the Exalted God's Horn on Budge will only exhaust one of its healthbars

The World's Smallest Lion [Fasto - AG](x5): HP: 2,500/20,000(x5), Dodge: 50% (+10% for all Lions when one dies), Apply 7,000 Distraction each
Memory of a Regent [Fasto - AG]: HP: 300,000/450,000 + 300,000/450,000 + 300,000/450,000, Armor: 10,000, Regeneration: 25,000 per Healthbar, unspent Regeneration is converted to Attack, Attack: 50,000x3, Mana: 0 (+128/turn), Painful Healing, Stun: 140,000

[REDACTED PER PROTOCOL 4000-ESHU] XYZ [JOE Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 3,974,000/5,000,000, Narrative Manipulation: Plenty, Soul Ejector: Armed, Refuse To Die: Will stay alive for an additional turn after dying, Refuse To Even Come Close: Harder to damage the more damage he's already taken this turn

THE GROUPIE [One Hit Wonder - AG]: HP: 320,000/320,000, helps out the One Hit Wonder, Attack: 100,000
ELEVATOR RADIO [One Hit Wonder - AG]: HP: 2,500/120,000, applies 5,000 Distraction split among any number of entities, Morale: 5,000
COOL LIGHTS! [One Hit Wonder - AG]: HP: 2,500/112,500, Confidence: THE GROUPIE, Stage Fright: Pokémon Showdown Salt

Confidence: The target of Confidence gains an additional 50,000 Attack, or 50,000 Healing if it has Healing. If Stage Fright doesn't have a target set, this effect is doubled.
Stage Fright: The target of Stage Fright loses up to 50,000 Attack, or 50,000 Healing if it has Healing. If Confidence doesn't have a target set, this effect is doubled.

Ample Seating [One Hit Wonder - N]: HP: 2,500/100,000, Healing: 2,500x50, heals as many different entities as possible each turn, starting with [AG] entities, Good History: Seats twice as many people for 1 more turn
Refreshments Stand [One Hit Wonder - N]: HP: 2,500/125,000, Status Curing: 5,000x25, heals as many different entities as possible each turn, starting with [AG] entities
Legal Marijuana Stand [One Hit Wonder - N]: HP: 100,000/100,000, Healing: 4,200x30, heals as many different entities as possible each turn, starting with [AG] entities

Heather, Totally Immersed Pikachu Cosplayer? [Tazz - AG]: HP: 125,000/125,000, Attack: 50,000, Dodge: 20%, Volt Tackle: Can deal an additional 25,000 damage, but also takes 25,000 damage as recoil; 50% chance to crit, dealing 3x damage; Discard Humanity: IIIIII; Boon of the Crystal Gardens: The first two attacks each turn that would deal less damage than Heather's max HP are nullified, With SOUL: Heather acts twice per round, Golden Eye: Heather's attacks ignore defensive abilities, such as Dodge, Armor, and bodyguarding; Focus Sash: Once per round, Heather can survive a lethal blow with 1 HP; Morale: 50,000
Pizzahead [Tazz - AG]: HP: 75,000/75,000, Attack: 50,000, Extra Lives: 1 (+1 after each boss), heals to full HP when a boss dies
The Noise [Tazz - AG]: HP: 250,000/250,000, Dodge: 50%, Attack: 60,000x2

Genny Robotics [Pricey12345 - AG]: HP: 500,000/500,000, Attack: 35,000
Blaster Warrior Robot [Pricey12345 - AG]: HP: 700,000/700,000, Attack: 75,000

<![if !ie]> The Idea <![endif]> [Krill13 - N]: HP: 666,666/666,666, Attack: (100x666)x2, Ethereal, Mark of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐, Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐, The Impending

Ethereal: The Idea's attacks ignore Armor (including negative Armor), Dodge, and other defensive abilities. They also do not trigger Thorns, Reaction Fire, or any similar abilities.
Mark of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐: If The Idea uses 666 of its attacks on a single target, it follows up with a finishing attack against that entity. This can have varying effects beyond damage.
Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐: If any entity with Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐ would die, it stays at 1 HP and another entity with Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐ takes the remaining damage.
The Impending: Something good will happen if The Idea has exactly six sets of attacks.

<![if !ie]> The Process <![endif]> [Krill13 - N]: HP: 2,000,000/2,000,000, RAM: 2,100,000, Word of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐, Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐, The Pentultimate

Chess Drive: HP: 100,000/100,000, moves the Shadow Pawn up 1 if allocated at least 250,000 RAM (stacks up to one additional time per additional 250,000 RAM applied)
AoE Healing Drive: HP: 600,000/600,000, applies AoE healing relative to RAM allocated at a ratio of 1 Healing to 6 RAM
RAM Increase Drive: HP: 100,000/100,000, increases total RAM reative to RAM allocated, at a ratio of 1:15​

RAM: The Process can allocate RAM to any of its installed Task Drives. Task Drives can have varying functions allowing The Program to do different thigns depending on how much RAM is allocated. They can be equipped or unequipped, but there can never be more than three equipped at a time. Additionally, Task Drives have their own HP bars, and can be attacked and destroyed to prevent The Program from taking actions.
Word of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐: If all RAM is spent optimally, The Process randomly distributes buffs to allied entities. RAM is considered to be spent optimally if it doesn't go over any limits, i.e. no overhealing, no overkilling, and no overspending (or underspending) on Drives that have effects at specific RAM amounts.
Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐: If any entity with Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐ would die, it stays at 1 HP and another entity with Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐ takes the remaining damage.
The Pentultimate: Something good will happen if The Process has exactly 9,999,999 RAM.

There aren't any Task Drives here right now.

The Creator [Krill13 - N]: HP: 2,000,000/2,000,000, Creation: 50,000
Tree of Will [Krill13 - N]: HP: 1,050,000/1,050,000, Stores entity attacks, healing, etc; contents of Tree of Will will vanish if it is destroyed

100x666 Attack + Mark of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐
100x666 Attack + Mark of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐
40,000 Attack
2,500x25 Attack

A Puppy and an Animated Bespectacled Mannequin [Krill13 - N]: HP: 160,000/160,000, Attack: 40,000, St. Destin's Pen: +50,000 HP, +12,500 Attack, does not actually exist
The Bingus Bungus Mecha Mark II! [Krill13 - N]: HP: 250,000/250,000! Dodge: 25%! Armor: 2,500! Thorns: 2,500! Attack: 2,500x25!
Protection Writ [Krill13 - N]: HP: 1,500,000/1,500,000
Tiny Man [Krill13 - N]: HP: 30,000/30,000, Attack: 5,000


LapisLazuli': Vortex [AG]
Firewing: Just Flask [AG]
Champion Greninjoid: Reese [AG]
Esther: Narrator [AG]
Layn: Layn [AG]
O.R.I.G.I.N.: Decil [AG]
6FootDeep: Swarm of Zachs [AG]
Zparks: Sblib [N]
Whimsythescholar: The Lady In Violet [N]
Master of Infinity: The Master of the Infinitum [AG]
ChrysalisM: Adaptoid #001 [AG]
little1133: Birdie [AG]
Kitnight: ?
W32Coravint: W32Coravint [AG]
Noctis-X: Noctis [AG]
Dragonwolf73: Niyr [PG]
rush99999: The English Muffin [N]
Genhack: Grimcloak [AG]
the secret of life is 42 [AG]
Spacelover1: Kita [AG]
KitRougard: Xorm [PG]
Torix: Firestorm256 [AG]
DreadKnight22: Mischief [AG]
Splashcat: The Pendulum [AG] | CREATION: 490,000 | DESTRUCTION: 250,000
EndTower: steve uchiha [AG]
_The Reaper_: Bob [AG]

Sylveone46: Dan D. Daniels [<0>] | Dead, final resting place marked by a double pendulum

JOEbob: JOE Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE [AG] | carrying the power of Inscryption
Robot #207: Core Block [AG]
DragonAegis: Tom Sawyer [AG] | FOUNDRY: 0 | Weapon: Belenoth (Deals reduced damage, accumulates Magic; Magic: 0; Durability: 100%) | carrying two Scrap Buckets (spend to deal 10,000 damage to a target and nullify their Armor, if any), two Robotic Spider Cookies (prevent one item theft attempt each), some Ectoplasm, and a Flood of Rejuvenation (partially counteracts destructive butterflies)
Crimtane Shovel: © | TRAVELER'S TREE: ██
Banana-Fish: Pol and Kirby [AG] | TYPOGRAPHY: DHOQRS
tzaoray [PG] | TORQUE: 70,000
Toby Faux: Toby [AG] | BEACON: 213,000
Razor_Typhoon: Ian [AG] | ELEMENT: 2 Wax, 3 Fire, 2 Fog
Dinfinity: Wafer [AG] | Constellation: The Troll
Krill13: [Billions Of Names At Once] [N] | PLANE: The End | carrying a capital "I"
FastoDash: Fasto [AG] | Carrying a The Crown card (For one turn, take actions as though you have The Crown Curse, or cause someone else to have this effect)
The_Nonexistent_Tazz: Tazz [AG] | STAB: 0
Alastair Dragovich: Lawrence "Law" "One-Hit Wonder" Plainton [AG] | LAST SONG: READY!
Pricey12345 [AG] | PLANNING: 400 | CONTINGENCIES: None yet

Destiny: Mastery of Tactics
High-Conductivity Skin

+ Your action power is doubled!
--- You must give out two charges each turn, and they must both go to [AG] players!​

Destiny: Spawn Point
Ocular Implants

+ Your actions have a 50% chance to be 3x as effective!
+ All of your actions have their power reduced to 0.5x before all other multipliers!
+ Entities with dodging capabilities cannot dodge your actions!
± This augmentation does not affect attacks against Godmodders.​

Monkey Wizard's Staff: +2,000 Action Power.
Chuck Norris's Ten-Gallon Hat: +1,000 Action Power.
Octopus King's Crown: You are very confident.
A Page of Chartreuse Ink: +2,000 Action Power, +1 Charge/turn.

Destiny: Bookkeeper
Oryx's Greatsword: +50% Base Action Power.

Crimtane Shovel:
Destiny: ©
Understanding the Nameplate: Depth

+ Copies you summon have more interesting and varied abilities!​

Understanding the Nameplate: Advanced Capabilities

+ For your action, instead of summoning a new ©, you can transform an existing © into a more powerful form!
- The abilities of the more powerful form are likely to be at least a little different.​

Destiny: Fog Missing Piece
The Flutter Titan's Wing: +1 Charge/turn.

Robot #207:
Destiny: Core Control

Destiny: How Did We Get Here?

Destiny: Astromancer
The Carnivore's Jawbone: +5,000 Action Power.

Curse: The Glove

Destiny: Strength
Curse: The Notebook

Destiny: Baptism By Fire

Destiny: Auto Insurance
Curse: The Car

Toby Faux:
Destiny: Birdhouse In Your Soul

Destiny: Creation

Destiny: 235
Curse: The Pokéball

Destiny: Green
Curse: The Crown

Alastair Dragovich:
Curse: The Microphone

Destiny: Beryl

Destiny: Hands of Shadow

Destiny: Macro

Spoils of War:
Misery/The Doctor:


. Owner: Tom Sawyer [AG]. A strange gun with a star scratched into the stock. Each turn, this item passively accumulates Charge. When fired, it expends all of its Charge, dealing a varying amount of damage per Charge. At 1 Charge, it deals 25,000 damage per Charge; at 2-3 Charge, 50,000; at 4-6 Charge, 75,000; and at 7+ Charge, 100,000. Charge: 3, Cooldown: NO COOLDOWN
The Teletubbies: Tubby Custard Machine. Owner: Pol and Kirby [AG]. A whimsical machine with two large spires for storing Tubby Custard. Once every 4 turns, it can be used to heal 5,000 HP to any entity. This healing can bring entities over their max HP, if they're not already above their max HP. Additionally, the Tubby Custard Key may be used one time to revive any entity that died the preceding turn, with full HP. THE TUBBY CUSTARD KEY MAY ONLY BE USED ONCE THROUGH THE ENTIRE GAME. Cooldown: IIII. Tubby Custard Key: Expended
Fortegreen Crewmate: Emergency Meeting Button. Owner: JOE Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE [AG]. A red button that can be used to assemble everyone in the area. Once every 5 turns, it can be used to summon a Crewmate, who the owner will be able to direct to various tasks. Its effectiveness will vary. Cooldown: IIIII
Kabula/King Dedede (second fight): King Dedede's Rocket Hammer. Owner: Tazz [AG]. A large hammer that fires rockets. More useful for rocket-firing than actually bashing things, on account of being very hard to hold. How did Dedede ever manage it? Once every 3 turns, it can be used to deal 100,000 damage to five different entities. For the purposes of this Spoil, Crowd entities are counted as a single entity. Cooldown: III
Cyber End*r Dr*gon: Cyber Dr*gon Egg. Owner: Niyr [PG]. Somehow, turning the End*r Dr*gon into a technological terror passed the property on to this egg. The egg appears to have no function, but there is a green button on the back. The longer you look at it, the brighter it gets. You get the feeling you can only press this button once... Green Button: Unavailable
King Dedede (first fight)/Norm: Norm's Heart. Owner: Robot #207 [AG]. The squirrel that's in charge of providing power for Norm. Never tires. Norm's Heart may be given to an entity, granting it either an additional 50,000 Attack or doubled Attack, whichever is the larger bonus, until it dies, at which point Norm's Heart will become available again. Status: Unavailable
Shaggy: The Sandwich Of Oblivion. Owner: [Billions Of Names At Once] [N]. A sandwich of unfathomable power, made of the finest ingredients one can find in the thousand universes. This sandwich may be fed to an NPC a total of three times across the entire game, with an indeterminate and plot-linked cooldown. Eating the sandwich will cause a major plot disturbance or critical interference. This will not always work out in the favor of the owner. Status: Available, uses left: 1
The Spamtanic/Spamton NEO: Pipis Cannon. Owner: Mischief [AG]. An arm cannon, ripped off of Spamton NEO. It contains an invasive species of detonating freshwater clam. EACH TURN, the Pipis Cannon may be fired at a target of your choice. A pipis will appear on the battlefield with 20,000 HP, and you may use actions to protect it from attacks. The turn after it is summoned, it will detonate, dealing 50,000 damage to its target. If the target dies, the pipis will instead change its target and detonate on the next turn after that. Cooldown: NO COOLDOWN
Overcharged Mob Spawner/Oryx the Exalted God: Exalted God's Horn. Owner: Ian [AG]. Upgrade of the Debug Stick. A golden horn, liberated from Oryx's helmet. Contains a fragment of Oryx's Curse. Once every three turns, it can be used on an entity you control, or someone else's entity with permission, to kill it, dealing its max HP as damage to a target of your choice. At the end of the turn, that entity is then revived, but at 1 HP. Cooldown: III
Helkite Overlord: Shotgun. Owner: None [AG]. A shotgun made of distressingly black metal and distressingly white wood. It seems to have been passed down through many owners. The initials "DK," "GB∞," and "JQA" are carved into the stock. There is only one bullet inside. When fired, this shotgun will instantly kill any one target of your choice. With the exception of Godmodders and other Adventurers, this can target anything on the battlefield and it will not fail. It may only be used once. You could use it more if you found more ammo. You will not find more ammo. Status: Empty
THE LORDE/The Evil Wizard: UNDEFINED BLADE. Owner: ©. A sword that seems to be incapable of deciding what kind of sword it wants to be. Once every four turns, it can be used to summon three random entities from the first few chapters of the game. Some entities, like bosses, cannot be summoned by this. Cooldown: IIII
Fawful & Midbus/Overtuned Mob Spawner: The First Spawn Egg. Owner: Toby [AG]. A spawn egg. Unlimited potential rests within. Once every three turns, it can be used to spawn four entities of your choosing from a limited selection of Vindicator, Evoker, Blaze, Piglin, or Pillager. Cooldown: III
P03: Leshy's Camera. Owner: Fasto [AG]. An old-looking camera with a roll of film in it. Once every two turns, it can be used to kill an entity with 10,000 (current) HP or less and convert them to an item in your inventory. This item can be used later for damage or healing based on the entity's stats. Cooldown: II
Ink Sans: Inkbrush. Owner: tzaoray [PG]. A paintbrush covered in various colors of ink. Once every four turns, it can be used to summon a copy of Sans with 10,000 HP, 5,000 Attack, 75% Dodge, and Dodge Exhaustion. Cooldown: IIII

Permanent Upgrades:
Chapter 1: The Great K.A.T.E. A strange red bucket that contains a weather machine. What does K.A.T.E. stand for? Your guess is as good as mine! The Great K.A.T.E. provides many forms of weather information, explaining environmental effects and attack boosts given by the current area. Weather can be changed by a sufficiently creative action and/or the influences of various entities.
Chapter 2: Crossroads of Destiny. A portion of Shaggy's power, specifically dealing in one's "destiny." At an indeterminate time, the Crossroads of Destiny will appear to a player character, giving them a large number of choices for a permanent augmentation that can shake up how they play the game. (Indeterminate time means I'll offer you a crossroads whenever I think I have enough cool ideas for your character.)
Chapter 3: The Dubious Friendship of a Mirror-Entity. Spending time on the other side of the mirror seems to have made you stronger. The mirror-entity's influence? It seems likely, but you're not sure why. If an attack against a Godmodder is sufficiently creative, it has a chance to deal an additional point of damage.
Chapter 4: OLD_DATA. A block of strange code related to the foundations of reality itself, coalesced into a chunk of black material. Standing near it makes you feel more real. Powers up all players' Destinies, and makes Destiny acquisition quicker.
Trial ε: Exaltation. An inversion of Oryx's already-inverted curse, granting you power for slaying an immense foe. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial Θ: Sacred Black Gun. A gun made of an unknown black material. Shots fired from it never miss, and damage the target conceptually as well as literally. Just being near it makes you feel stronger. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial λ: Sacred Black Wand. A wand made of an unknown black material. It passively absorbs power from nearby allies, and protects the user from harm. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial μ: Sacred Black Cog. A cog that can be inserted into any machine to make it think and run faster. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial π: Time's Commendation. It turns out that if you resolve enough time loops and prevent enough paradoxes, time itself gives you a formal recognition, complete with certificate and a 10% discount at supermarkets. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial Σ: Sacred Black Rod. A rod that allows its user to inhabit multiple bodies at once. As a weapon, it can be extended to any point its user can see, making it useful for attacking at long range. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial ϕ: Sacred Black Hammer. A hammer that influences local reality to make things turn out in its holder's favor. In other words, it turns you into a perfect protagonist. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)

Base Action Power: 1,280,000
Base Charge Count: 128

Destroy The Godmodder: War of a Thousand Universes (CHAPTER 5 - TRIAL PSI) (Always accepting new players) RP (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.