How to Water Dahlias Each Season (2025)

Soon after planting, Dahlias need very little water to become established. In my experience, once they have grown and matured, they need regular watering and prefer their soil to remain slightly moist for vigorous flowering. I find that climate and soil conditions will affect how often you need to water, so it’s best to test the soil with your finger and water when the top layer is dry.

How to Water Dahlias Each Season (1)

When To Water Dahlias

Soon after planting, Dahlias don’t need watering very often to become established. I find that a deep watering right after planting should sustain them until they emerge from the soil. That’s because newly planted tubers don’t have any roots to absorb moisture from the soil, and any excess will only hang around and rot the tuber. The initial moisture will trigger root growth, and you can begin your regular watering routine.

In the early stages of growth, Dahlias need watering every few days, preferring the soil to remain moist and dry out slightly before watering again. Once the plant starts flowering and temperatures increase, it will require water more often. It’s important not to hold off on watering for too long as this can lead to stress that will limit the flowering potential of the tuber.

Do Dahlias Prefer Moist or Dry Soil?

Once mature, Dahlias are water lovers that prefer moist soil. However, with that being said, the soil cannot be overly moist or soggy. This will quickly cause the plant to rot and die off, unable to be saved for the following season. Don’t water when the top layer is still moist to prevent any issues with rotting.

Seasonal Changes

Your growing zone will also impact when you need to water again. Those in warmer zones with hot and sunny summers will need to water far more often than those in cooler, more moderate regions. Similarly, rain levels will impact when you need to water. If you live in an area with high summer rainfall, you’ll only need to add additional water during dry periods, leaving the rest to Mother Nature.

How To Water Dahlias

How to Water Dahlias Each Season (2)

My go-to method is to use a hose or watering can to water around the base of the plant, extending to the edges of the leaf growth. I try to avoid getting water on the leaves and stems, as this can lead to the proliferation of disease.

Water as close to the ground as possible to stop droplets from bouncing off and hitting the lower leaves. I also try to water slowly and deeply to allow moisture to penetrate the soil, ensuring all parts of the soil are saturated.

If access to the soil is tricky in packed beds, try installing a drip irrigation system to keep your Dahlias continually watered without risking disease.

Signs Of Underwatering

Although they don’t need much water in the early stages of growth, these plants become much more thirsty as they begin to flower and grow taller. They must be watered as the top layer dries out, keeping the roots below the soil moist and cool. Water any less than that, and you will notice a few plant growth problems.

The first thing I look out for is yellowing leaves. While there are many causes for this common issue, the main one is generally underwatering. They may also become thin, brown, and crispy at the ends. A lack of flowers combined with yellowing leaves is a clear sign your plant lacks water.

Take a closer look at the soil if you notice any of these signs. If it is dry – or worse, hard and compacted – your plant needs water immediately. Make sure you change your watering routine, too, to prevent the same issues from occurring in the future.

Signs of Overwatering

Overwatering is far more damaging to your Dahlias than the occasional underwatering, as it is far more difficult to rectify. Overwatering may not result from you physically adding too much water to the soil but rather a lack of drainage or a long bout of unexpected rain.

Overwatered Dahlias will begin to wilt and become limp. The leaves and stems may be soft and mushy, with brown and yellowing spots along the leaves. This browning can extend to the flowers, too, with the edges becoming dried and crisp as the roots stop drawing up moisture.

The tubers will also begin to go soft, a problem you may only discover when you dig them up at the end of the season. Unfortunately, this does mean the tubers can’t be stored and saved. You must get rid of them and purchase new tubers to plant the following year.

As overwatering is hard to fix, it’s best to prevent it altogether by following these tips:

  • Don’t water when the top layer of soil is still visibly moist. Use your finger to test the soil and water once the first 2 inches have dried.
  • Don’t plant your Dahlia in a low-lying area where water tends to collect.
  • Amend the soil before planting to ensure it drains well and doesn’t hold onto any excess moisture.
  • Plant in full sun to ensure quick evaporation after long periods of rain.

The Importance Of Watering Correctly

How to Water Dahlias Each Season (3)

We all already know plants need water to function and survive. They will slowly shrivel up and die without it, often unable to be revived. But why is water so important in plant health and growth?

Plant cells are largely made up of water. This not only allows the cells to function as they should, but it also gives them shape, keeping the plant upright. That’s one of the reasons why plants begin to wilt and fall over when they are underwatered.

Plants draw up this water from the roots. But that’s not all they absorb. Water is the vehicle for nutrient transportation around the plant. Without water, those nutrients would remain in the soil, unable to be carried to the parts of the plant that need it.

Water is also a vital part of the process of photosynthesis. It is one of the two elements (along with carbon dioxide) that plants convert into ‘food’ to sustain flowering and growth, fuelled by energy from the sun. Without water, photosynthesis, and by extension growth, is not possible.

Watering alone is not the only concern in plant care. How you water also makes a difference. While many gardeners water from above for ease, watering only the soil and watering deeply is the best way to ensure it reaches all the roots while preventing disease above the soil.

The Final Word

Dahlias may have a bit of a reputation, but they are not complex plants to care for. Once you understand their needs – including how best to water them – you will have stunning blooms to look forward to year after year. For more, see our in-depth guide to cutting dahlia flowers for a vase or bouquet arrangement.

Madison Moulton

Contributing Editor||Full Bio

Madison is a writer and editor with a Bachelor’s degree in History and Political Science. She writes and photographs for various online and print publications in the gardening sphere and is the author of the book The Next-Generation Gardener.

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How to Water Dahlias Each Season (2025)


Should I water my dahlia everyday? ›

A good rule of thumb is that your dahlias should receive 1” of water every week. In the heat of summer, dahlias will require more water especially if it is warm and dry.

How often do you water dahlias in hot weather? ›

After plants are established, a deep watering once or twice a week is necessary during warmer, dryer weather or in hotter climates. Proper watering will promote better blooming. Over-watering to keep the soil damp in pots may result in rotting tubers.

Can you overwater dahlias? ›

Overwatering may cause Dahlias to wilt and droop.

How do you know if dahlia is overwatered? ›

Signs of overwatering include limp or blistered leaves. When Dahlias are thirsty, you may notice dry, cracked, and/or yellow leaves. Blooms may also fail to open when Dahlias are under-watered. You don't want to keep your Dahlia constantly moist, but if the soil is dry around your plant, you should water.

What is the best feed for dahlias? ›

Feeding. Dahlias are vigorous, fast-growing plants that perform best when given additional feeding: Apply a granular general-purpose fertiliser at planting time. To boost flowering, apply a potassium-rich liquid fertiliser, such as tomato feed, fortnightly from early July to early September.

How do you keep dahlias happy? ›

To discourage disease, keep dahlia foliage as dry as possible. Water deeply once or twice a week, allowing the top inch of soil dry out in between. Clip off the bottom 12” of foliage to encourage good air circulation. Slugs and snails love eating young dahlia foliage.

How do you keep dahlias blooming all summer? ›

The key to keeping your dahlia pumping out flowers is to make sure it gets plenty of sunshine, adequate moisture and fertilizer, and to deadhead regularly. Prune away or move plants that are crowding and shading your dahlia in the mixed border. Mulch well and water regularly.

Do dahlias like full sun or shade? ›

Dahlias love to be in a sunny location— an area that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight is preferred. Dahlias will also grow in shady areas but generally will be taller and require more staking and care. Dahlias love to be in the dirt. The dirt is a friend to Dahlia Tubers.

How hot is too hot for dahlias? ›

When temperatures hit 90 degrees Fahrenheit, dahlias stop growing. Dahlias may not flower when temperatures become too high. If your dahlias appear not to be flowering, do not despair. They will bloom when the temperatures fall.

Is Miracle Grow good for dahlias? ›

If you plan to grow your dahlias in containers, fill the pots with Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® All Purpose Container Mix to provide just the right environment for strong roots.

Do coffee grounds help dahlias? ›

Yes! Dahlias like coffee grounds and the coffee grounds make for a wonderful fertilizer. Since coffee grounds usually contain about 2% nitrogen, a third percent of phosphoric acid, and roughly 1% of potassium, the coffee grounds act as an excellent fertilizer for your dahlia garden.

How do you keep dahlias short and bushy? ›

To encourage side growth and a bushy plant, pinch or cut out the centre growing tip when a plant is between 30 cm and 40 cm tall. Dahlia growers who want the largest possible dahlia blooms for display do the opposite.

What time of day should I water my dahlias? ›

You can successfully water dahlias with a sprinkler if you're growing at home in a garden, but you'll want to water in the morning before the heat of the day. Overhead watering can cause issues with powdery mildew, but it also helps to keep spider mites away, so as with most things, there are pros and cons!

How to tell if dahlias need water? ›

Your plants will tell you what they need. When plants are droopy, they are being stressed for some reason…often lack of water. (Some droop in hot midday sun is normal). If water seems necessary, then water slowly so the water will sink deeply into the soil.

Can dahlias get too much sun? ›

During summer, you might need to provide some shade during peak hours to prevent your Dahlia from getting a sunburn. In winter, when the sun is on a break, move your plant closer to the window to soak up every bit of available light. Remember: Your Garden Dahlia's leaves will tell you if it's happy with its spot.

Do dahlias like to dry out? ›

You also want to have easy access to each dahlia plant for deadheading, so don't put them at the back of a very deep bed unless you can get in there with a secateur. Dahlias don't like to get too hot or too dry.

Does dahlia like full sun? ›

Dahlias love to be in a sunny location— an area that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight is preferred. Dahlias will also grow in shady areas but generally will be taller and require more staking and care.

How long can dahlias go without water? ›

After Six Hours

Six hours later, the dahlias still look great, no wilting or dehydration.

Is too much sun bad for dahlias? ›

Dahlias need at least 6 hours of sunlight per day, but prefer 10-12+ hours per day. Some people say that the secret to successful dahlias in hot climates is to plant them where they get a little bit of dappled shade in the hottest part of the day.

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