Laika: Buttons, Boxes, Strings and Zombies - Chapter 3 - Ravenshadowe13 (2024)

Chapter Text

As they walked through halls Coraline was hoping that there weren't any other students there. But there was, they could all hear Miss Thompson loud and overly peppy speech about the school. And since the hall was contract and marble floors each word echoed loud and proudly. “Now our beautiful slice of heaven was found in 1882. It was an original nunnery, hence the name being our sweet Lady Virgin Mary. Young girls, very close to your age,” her eyes landing directly on Coraline. “Would come here and swear to be the Brides of our Lord. It wasn’t until 1962 that it was converted to a school.” She said,

“Well, that wasn’t strange at all,” Wybie whispered. “Think she is trying to convert me?” Coraline said. “I doubt you make a very good nun, Core.” He spoke. They both tried to hold in their snickers. Miss Thompson gave them a quick glance but they went back to straight face. “Maybe you could be a monk?” Norman said. They both looked over at Norman. “Well monks are known to be both male and female in some cultures and it’s.” he blushes and stop speck to look down at his shoes. Coraline and Wybie share a look but just shrugged it off. “So, newbie, settle something for me.” Norman looked over at him. “What’s better Vampires VS the Mansion Feild Zombies or The Daunting of Corp Z?” he asked.

Coraline rolled her eyes at that. Since becoming friends, another thing is that they start doing movie night every Friday. And every time it was Wybie would choose cheesy and badly edited zombie films. “Mm, I would go for The Daunting of Corp Z. It was much better storyline, especially how they tackle how realistic corporate America really is sucking life out small businesses and only see civilization as sheep that they can control with bright and new shiny objects. Also, the makeup was much better. In Vampires VS the Mansion Feild Zombies they just half ass everything. Weak storytelling and slobbering editing. And the costumes are terrible. You can really tell blood is just red paint and the fangs are cheap ones you get at costume stores.” Norman answered. “Oh man of true culture,” Wybie said, slang his arm around Norman’s shoulders.

Norman went stiff but then smiled a bit back at him. “So, what is your story, newbie?” Wybie asked. “Well, my name is Norman and my family moved because a hurricane wrecked our house so now, we live with my mom’s brother's house temporarily.” He spoke. Coraline’s chest tightens. “Sorry to hear about your house,” she said. “Thanks, it was just a freak thing,” Norman said. “I would be sorry about that name,” Wybie said. “What?” Coraline quickly smacks him in the chest. “Ow,” “Well don’t be rude, “Why-were-you’re born.” She snapped. Norman just looks at them with a puzzled look. “Don’t mind him, Wyborn just has a thing when it comes to names.” Coraline said. “It's not a thing, it's a scientific fact,” he said. Coraline rolled her eyes. “So, you say?” “Well, what the fact?” Norman asked. “That ordinary names can lead to ordinary expectations of a person. No offense but Norman is the type of name that gives the impression of ordinary and basic expectation.” Wybie said. Norman shrugged his shoulders. “Make sense to me,” he said. “It does?” Coraline gap. “Yeah, I was named after my granddad Norman. When he was in high school, he was a football legend. What more basic than a high school football star. I think the reason my dad decided to name me that was because he thought I would turn out to be a big-time football star like my grandad and him.” Norman said. Wybie rolled his eyes and gave out a very dramatic sigh. “Ugh football. It's just watching giant idiots bashing into each other. I don't see the point of it.” Wybie said. “Neither do I,” Norman said. They share a laugh, “I like you, Norman. I’m Wybie Lovat and this Water Witch is Coraline Jones,” Coraline smiles at that name. She did try to teach Wybie how to use a dowsing rod. He still didn’t get it. Then he told Coraline that he leaves the water witch crafty to her and he’ll be a man of science.

“Water Witch?” Norman said, with an arch brow. “When we first met, I was using a dowsing rod to find a well nearby our house.” Coraline said. Wybie snicker, “The dowsing rod turn out to be poison ivy." Norman chuckled at that. “Och, I remember when my sister fell into the bush of poison oak. She jumped off a swing set and she was fully covered in hives.” he said. “Dang, my hands only hurt a few days and I can’t imagine my whole body.” Coraline said. “What happened next after that,” Norman asked. “Nothing much, just an evil doll fighting a century old monster who is kidnapping and eating children.” Wybie said. Coraline eyes widen at that, Norman just looks confused. “What?” he said. “Okay my little darlings.” Miss Thompson said, stopping. They look over at teens. “Does anyone need to use the little boys or girl room?” She said and pointed to the nearby bathroom. Norman looked down at his watch, “Yeah I need to go.” he said. “Alright sugar. What about you too,” Miss Thompson asked. “We’re good.” Coraline answered. “All right well I’ll just be a few minutes. And don’t worry about feeling afraid of being alone.” She glared right at Wybie. “We have eyes everywhere.”

As soon as Miss Thompson went into the girl’s room, Coraline slapped Wybie as hard as she could in the chest. “Owww, what was that for,” Wybe moaned. “You know why.” she said. “I honestly don’t.” he said. “It was for not keeping your mouth shut.” She said, “What you got admit we, well mainly you took down a thousand-year-old monster who was kidnapping and eating children including my great-aunt.” he said. "Well, it’s not something I’m proud off and want to blab off to people. They think we’re just a couple of crazy kids.” Coraline said. “You of all people Core shouldn’t care what people think. Besides, Norman seems like a cool dude,” Wybie said. Coraline stayed quiet. “Come on, it's an amazing thing you did, and you should.” “Yeah, and the amazing thing is still giving me nightmares.” She snapped. Both of them look surprised, Coraline at the fact that she said that out loud and Wybie surprise look slowly melt into worry. “You're still getting those?” Wybie asked. Coraline stayed quiet.

Coraline had only told Wybie that she was having nightmares about the Other Mother. He noticed a while back Coraline had a few bags and a dark circle around her eyes. Her parents noticed it too, but Coraline just told that she was fine. Wybie tried his best to get her to talk about them, but it wasn't until he brought her to see his grandmother. Nana Rosie over her cup of hot chocolate and freshly made brownie and Coraline just opened up about them. After all, Nana Rosie was the next closest person to understand what happened to Coraline. “I thought you said you stop getting those.” Wybie said. Coraline bit her inner cheeks. “Coraline,” Wybie said. She groans. “It was just a bad dream.” “How many?” Wybie said. “What?” “How many times have you had this nightmare?” Wybie asked. “Only two.” Coraline said. “Just two?” Wybie said with an arch brow. “Yes, just two.” Coraline state. “Well, if you want to talk about them,” “Wybie I’m,” “Just let me finish.” he said. Coraline straightens her back and looks at him, “Okay,” “If they start getting bad again, I want to know about it, or at least you should call my grandma. Can you at least do that for me, Core?” he asked. Coraline bit her inner cheek, “Yeah I’ll send her text after school.” she said. “Thank you.” Wybie said.

“All my darling little dumplings. I’m about to take you to my favorite spot in the entire school.” Miss Thompon said with an extra giddy tone as she opened the door. “Da da da da! The school auditorium where we put the most fabulous shows.” Coraline hated to admit it, but she was impressed by it. It was twice the size of her old school’s auditorium and it had at least two hundred more seats. The stage was bigger too, could at least it hold three classes on it. “This is my own little slice of heaven. I’ve been running the theater department for almost 3 years now. This semester we’re going to be putting on Hairspray, you know Coraline you would be perfect for the roll of Penny,”

Coraline didn’t even try to hide her face of annoyance this time. She didn’t mind musical theater but there was no way in hell she was getting on that stage. Then the sound of loud bells echoed around them. It was Miss Thompson’s cell phone, she pulled it out of her pocket and frown at the ID caller of it. “I got to take this my dears, I’ll be right back and remember, we have.” “Eyes everywhere.” Wybie finished. Miss Thompson’s rolled her eyes and went back in the hallways. As soon as left Wybie happily slammed down on the cushion chair and propped his feet on the ones in front of him. Coraline sigh. “Getting comfy I see,” she said. “We got plenty of time, Miss T only made that face when her sister’s call. They don’t partially get along.” he said. Coraline just sighs and takes a seat next to him. “What happened to them?” Norman said and took a seat in front of them. “Some kind of feud between them and ex-boyfriends.” Wybie said. “Yikes,” Coraline said. “So, we have a while,” Norman said as he took a seat in front of them.

“Yep. And I have a question for you Norman. What was your old school like?” Wybie said. Norman just shrugged his shoulders and leaned back into his chair. “Nothing really, it was pretty standard school,” he answered. “Really?” Coraline said. “Yep, pretty boring, although for the longest time there was a witch’s curse on my old town.” Norman said. Both Coraline and Wybie froze at that statement, “Come again,” Wybie said. “Oh, it was kind of an out town only claim to fame, but in reality, it was just a sad story that people use for tourism. Modern age of capitalism.” Norman said. “Well now you have to tell us,” Wybie said. “It just a stupid bedtime story,” Norman said. “Please tell us. As a scientist and studier of the unknown I have to hear this story.” Wybie pleaded. But Norman just stayed quiet. “Just for the record Norman,” Coraline said. “Wybie isn’t going to stop pestering you unless you tell him.” she said. “Yes, I will, please please, please tell us the story.” Wybie said. Norman than sigh in defend. “Fine I’ll tell you.” he said. “Yes,” Wybie said with glee. “But I should tell you firsthand,” Norman said and took a breath. “It’s kind of a sad story,” he said. After he said Coraline’s ears perk up. She looks over at strange kid, Norman looked sad, very sad.

“It happens back during the Salem Witch Trials. Now a few trials happen, but this one was different. Someone had brought a young girl to the council; she was just a kid really maybe a few years younger than us. Her name was Agatha,” Coraline watched as Norman's face changed when he said that name. It was more sorrowful. Like he knew her, that he was telling the story of an old friend. “She was considered an outsider to the rest of the town, a loner who spent all her time in the woods. And because of that she was accused of witchcraft. Agatha was brought before the council, and they sentenced her to be burned at the stake. But before she died Agatha cruised the town.” he finished. Coraline could feel her stomach twist.

Coraline first learned about the Witch’s Trail the last years of elementary school, like most kids she didn’t fully understand it. So, when she went home, she asked her mother about it. The way Melanie explained it was that the girls who were accused of being too unique girls who didn’t fit the mold that world had set for them, unique and stubborn heart ones, much like how Coraline was and still is. Coraline likes the idea of being a witch. The next day at school Coraline had declared that she was a witch. Although that did mark her as the weird girl in her class, she didn't care about what they said.

“What was the curse?” Wybie asked. “Agatha was accused of speaking to the dead.” Norman said. “Speaking to the dead, wait does that mean she was talking to ghosts?” Wybie said. “In theory, yes. So, her curse was that each one of the members of the council walk the earth beyond their remaining days,” Norman said. “Brutally. Wait, does that mean she turns them into zombies,” Wybie said. “Again, in theory,” Norman said. “Damn that a wicked curse,” Wybie said. Coraline nodded in agreement. The idea of zombies does sound cool, but not very cool in reality.

Then a loud beeping came out of nowhere making the teens jump. “What is that?” Wybie asked. It turned out to be Norman’s phone. His face turned from sorrowful to annoyance, “Hey is there a bathroom nearby,” he asked. Wybie nodded, “Yeah, it’s in the back of the stage. Why?” he asked. “I got to take my meds really quickly.” Norman grumbled and got up from the seat. Coraline and Wybie made a face, but they kept their mouths shut. Then Wybie reached down into his pocket and pulled a half filled crumpled up water bottle. “Want some?” he offered. Norman polity decline. “No thanks I’m good with just the tap water,” Norman said and walk back toward the stage.

Once Norman was out of sight, Wybie leaned back into his chair, “I like him,” he said. Coraline smiled a bit, “Yeah, he's pretty neat, but he's a little weird too,” she said. “That's why I like him. Weird is so much more interesting.” Wybie said. Coraline snicker. “You're right about that,” “I’m always right.” Wybie said. Coraline just elbowed him in the shoulder. Then the door opens, and Miss Thompson and she look exhausted. Coraline noticed that she was making the same face her parents make when they’re trying deadlines approached. “Oh, I’m sorry dear, I didn’t mean to take so long. Where is Norman?” she asked. “He's in the bathroom,” Wybie said. Coraline stood up with a stretch. “I’ll go get him.” she said.

As Coraline walked down the theater alley she took a deeper look of the theater. Beside the modern age tech and electrical light this was a really old theater. Very, very old, the whole aura around just seems eerie. As if she was longer than someone might have reached out and grabbed her. “Why won’t you let love you,” The Other Mother's voice echoed in her head.

“Well, this does seem like a nice place,” Norman's voice echoed in the backstage. “Oh no no no, it's absolutely dreadful.” A new voice, a woman with a very high pitch voice. Coraline raised a brow, maybe he was on the phone. “It was a nice place when I was alive, but then those nuns came around.” the woman's voice let out a grumpily tone. But considering how high her voice sounds it sounds like an angry hamster. “They were nothing but cranky old crappy ladies who would have definitely been a whole lot happier if they had to catch a rich man’s heart. But sadly, the Goddess of Love didn’t look down at them. All day they would sing their boring long hymns that would tell you that everything that is fun is a one-way ticket to hell. But what really made me mad was they would call all my friends shameless harolats.”

Coraline gasps at what she saw before her. Right there, was a woman floating just right above Norman’s head. She was wearing what Coraline might find in Miss Spink and Forcible closet. A large puff Victorian dress. A large, faded white underdress with a large gray petticoat, black pointed shoes that were too size too small for the women. A towering white puff wig and signific large amount of blue and gray ribbons and bow. “I’m dreaming,” Coraline thought to herself and rubbed her eyes to make sure it was true. “Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming. Wake up Coraline,” she told herself. “Then there was that god-awful southern bell of council. She is even worse than the Nuns,” the woman said in a shrilling voice. Norman chuckled at that. “Yeah, she does seem like a lot,” he said.

“Core! Norm!” Wybie called out. The woman gasps, covering her mouth. “I got go,” Norman said. The women frown, “Come see me again Sir Babco*ck. I do very much enjoy your company.” she swoons. Norman gave her a warm smile, “I’ll do my best Miss,” “Oh, call me Lady Annebelle.” she said with a wink and vanished into thin air.

Norman got up from his spot and saw Coraline standing in the connor with a shook look on her face. “Are you okay?” he asked. “What..what were you doing?” she asked. Norman just shrugged his shoulders and put his hands in hoodie. “Just tying my shoes,”

Laika: Buttons, Boxes, Strings and Zombies - Chapter 3 - Ravenshadowe13 (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.